Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Icheoku says the APC wants Nigerians to change from democracy to dictatorship; from moving forward to sauntering backwards; from happiness to sadness; from hope to doom; from living in freedom to living in bondage and from a PhD holder president to one whose First School Leaving Certificate is missing or at best questionable. But Nigerians are saying to APC that with a change like the one they are offering, no Nigerian needs a change. Nigerians, Icheoku urge you to just tell APC and their tired horse Buhari, no, but thanks, no. Look at their faces, they are all very mean, sad and melancholic people and who needs sadists running our collective affairs in Nigeria? Definitely not Icheoku and hopefully not any sane Nigerian, including you. As Professor Soludo rightly encapsulated them, these are "Aggrieved Peoples Congregation" up to no good and out to do Nigeria grievous harm. Say no to APC, reject Buhari.

Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari is not the type of change Nigerians want or desire or deserve; not now, not on February 14, 2015 and not at any other future time. Muhammadu Buhari is part of the problem Nigerians have been tirelessly trying to solve all these years following his caustic shock and interruption to governance in Nigeria though his bloody military coup of December 31st, 1983. Moreso, Muhammadu Buhari belongs to the ancient school of thoughts and has no idea of how todays world functions. Further, no amount of APC re-branding can make this old wine become new again, including  putting it in a new skin or dressing him in borrowed robes of a democrat, which he is definitely not. Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari should be left in the rear view mirror of Nigeria past harried coup plotting era where he truly belongs and allowed to live out whatever is left of his very advanced near-senile old age. 

Nigerians, Icheoku cautions that we cannot continue with all these all motion and no movement, one step forward, two steps backwards convulsive jolts, which has bedeviled our march towards progress since independence. A state of near complete quagmire which was caused by certain entrenched conspiracies in the country, including a man who once truncated our democracy named Muhammadu Buhari. Query why is it that each time some one is trying to figure out how to move the country forward, something always happens to intervene to halt the march forward, either a military coup or needless change of government and it is deja vu the drawing board all over again. Icheoku is emphatic that President Jonathan has finished his presidential internship with his first term and would during his second term give it his all, such that Nigerians can and would indeed really witness the change they crave and deserve. Icheoku says it is now time for Nigerians to say and truly mean it - FORWARD EVER, BACKWARD NEVER. So on FEBRUARY 14, VOTE GEJ.

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