Saturday, January 10, 2015


Icheoku says there are three types of spirits - the holy spirit, the evil spirit and the bottled spirit. Many a Nigerian men and women of "God" claim to be possessed of the first type of spirit; many disturbed, deranged and retrogressive Nigerians claim to be possessed by the second type of spirit; while those seeing double as a result of extended  fellowship with the bottle are said to be possessed by the third type of spirit. But when a supposed man of "God" is giving a vision which is convoluted and mangled up, and which does not in any way make sense and which also does not appear to come from the On High but from the Down Low, is it safe to assume that the man is possessed by the trinity of spirits? Icheoku says if indeed it is possible to be simultaneously possessed by the first, second and third types of spirits as this man exhibits, which spirit's vision then is he seeing when he mouths things out? Which spirit inspired his vision or under which spirit's influence is he prophesizing? 

Icheoku says this becomes a needy question because just recently, a man of "God" in Nigeria made his 2015 predictions wherein he disclosed that both President Jonathan and candidate Muhammadu Buhari will both win the election? Query:- if in a context between two candidates both candidates wins or are projected or predicted to win, is the prophet seeing an inconclusive election or one that is stalemated? Icheoku asks is Primate Elijah Ayodele saying that the 2015 presidential election will be inconclusive leading to a unity government or what? Icheoku does not know any other possible understanding or interpretation of what this man allegedly saw or what was communicated to him by some ethereal voices. But to say that both presidential candidates, who are fighting for one presidential position, emerged victorious says more than the superficial understanding can comprehend. But until Valentines day 2015 comes and goes, Icheoku will give his prophesies the benefit of the doubt since they came from three spirits instead of one. 
Now listen to Primate Elijah Ayodele prophesy on election 2015:- "I don’t see APC winning the presidential election. However, when Jonathan gets a second term, I don’t see peace; except the president obeys the word of God. There are things that will happen. Even if Buhari wins, he can’t put an end to insurgency, nor can he fight corruption. His will be worse than Jonathan.
So ask yourself what does this prophet mean by "when Jonathan gets a second term" and also "Even if Buhari wins"; and then do the math on which spirit this man was probably possessed of, when he saw his foggy hazy double-vision. It is akin to a prophesy that a child may be a girl or boy and you ask yourself where then is the prophesy in the prophesy? But hey, in a country with so many faithless people looking for someone else to validate them before God, a man like this is being acclaimed as a man really working with God or rather whom God uses to reach out to his earthly people, especially those that call Nigeria home. As for Icheoku, we could care less whether or not he has a direct line to  his "God", regardless. But assuming anybody including this man has the power of seeing the future, why did he not see for certain who the prospective winner of the February election is instead of equivocating in this  either/or  manner? Anyway, until the Ides of March is come and gone, Julius Caesar is not safe; so until February 14, 2015 has gone into history, all these possessed pontificators can go on deceiving those gullible gobblers of what they pry as trade. What a seer indeed this is; and except he is possessed by the three spirits - holy, evil and the bottled, Icheoku has no further explanation of his prediction of two presidential candidates winning the February 14th 2015 presidential election.

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