Friday, January 23, 2015


Icheoku had initially planned to stay out this election on the sidelines and not take sides but recent developments has forced our hands and we hereby declare our full support for the reelection of President Goodluck Jonathan to a second term. An injustice to one is an injustice to all; and so if a Shagari village Fulani man was allowed that and an Ota man was also allowed his Yoruba's two terms at the presidency, so should an Otuoke Niger Delta Ijaw man. Fairness demands that and so also does the voice of God affirm. Icheoku says no real democrat would stand by and watch the latest gang-up by these coup plotting retired army generals to once again dictate to every Nigerian how to live their lives and not at least say, ENOUGH! To do nothing would be to give these criminals a thumbs-up and vote of approval that their perversion of democracy and ruthlessness were an acceptable behavior. It is equally instructive that not only did this band of anarchists truncate President Shehu Shagari's duly elected democratic government but they equally truncated the also duly elected democratic president-in-the-waiting MKO Abiola election and for no other reason other their penchant to cause mischief and hurt Nigerians. 

Icheoku says that Nigerians gravely suffered untold hardship and torture during their both regimes, added to that one of their triumvirate Sani Abacha, the midget of Kano. Bartholomew Owo, Bernard Ojulope, Segun Lawal, Kudirat Abiola, Ken Saro Wiwa, Mamma Vasta, Dele Giwa, Pa Rewane and so many other Nigerians were brutally murdered under the supervision of this three bloody coup plotters. Icheoku says these were avoidable deaths of innocent Nigerians  which only animals could and did indeed authorize. Therefore Icheoku's fatwa is that no person connected to any of this state murders, talkless of someone directly involved in them, should be allowed near the corridors of power in Nigeria, never again. It is on the authority and rage of these harried memories and the fact that the same Evil Genius who not only murdered Dele Giwa but also annulled MKO Abiola's election, is now shamelessly teaming up with the same man he overthrew in 1985 that caused Icheoku's hairs to stand up in defense of sanity. 

Icheoku says if Buhari was all this and all that and the messiah Nigerians have been waiting for, as Babangida is now telling Nigerians, why then did Babangida overthrew Buhari in 1985 and not allowed his messianic prowess to fully become manifest? Icheoku says the coming together of these former foes cannot be for anything good for Nigeria as they are both incapable of having or showing affection. Remember that Babangida killed his best friend and the best man at his own very wedding, Mamman Vasta, based on a phantom coup. Icheoku says any man who could so cruelly  shed the blood of his best man at his own wedding does not deserve a place amongst decent humanity. Such man is a resident evil not deserving any human interaction talkless of edification of any kind. Why did he not put him in prison assuming an express pardon would be difficult to secure? 

Icheoku warns that this latest alliance between Ibrahim Babangida and Muhammadu Buhari is ominous and should raise instant red flag to every right thinking Nigerian that the duo, being both evil and very mean, cannot be up to any good or have any plans to do anything different to improve the lot of Nigerians. Just ask yourselves Nigerians, when both men had their opportunities as criminal coupists to lead and led for ten years,  what legacies did they leave behind for Nigerians to treasure other than sorrow, tears and blood? Icheoku recalls that MKO Abiola warned Nigerians that 'with a friend like IBB, no one needs an enemy.' Nigerians, Icheoku is emphatic that MKO Abiola was right then when he issued that warning and that MKO Abiola is also right now as he once again telegraphs this warning from his grave. His message, that Nigerians should beware of the poison ivy that is Ibrahim Babangida as he offers a cyanide-laced poisoned chalice named Muhammadu Buhari to Nigerians; and that they should not drink of it.

For those Nigerians who have chosen silence in the face of this cruel gang up amongst Nigerians worst nemesis, Icheoku warns that their purchased silence is a disservice to the fatherland. For those who chose to do nothing but stand hands akimbo and aloof, shivering in fear, Icheoku warns that upcoming Nigerian generations would not forgive their willfully indifference. A time like this calls for real people with conscience to stand up and stand their grounds to  vehemently denounce evil; and should not allow the man and woman in them to die faced with tyranny. Icheoku bemoans that Babangida joining forces with Buhari is tyranny by itself and Nigerians should not wait to see their plans come to fruition before taking up the gauntlet to stop them cold. Posterity will not forgive Nigerians if Buhari ever comes back to power; moreso with the support of the satanic Ibrahim Babangida, a man who literary destroyed Nigeria and left Nigerians near destitute. A man whose flagrant disregard for the law including the Oputa Panel of Reconciliation is simply too mind-boggling, just to mention but a few.

Based on the foregoing and other infra-dignities of Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida in particular, most of which are in the public domain, Icheoku heretofore condemns as very devious, this latest alliance by this two serial coupists to once again snatch power in Nigeria. Icheoku says both men are unfit and disqualified by their antecedents to play any role in a Nigeria that is future-focused; and as result, would work to help stop their cunning advances and conspiracy to once again insert themselves in Nigeria's governance. Furthermore, many of us know first hand what it feels like to be haunted for speaking out and for speaking up; some of us too were once on a prohibited do-not-enter Nigeria list  and were not allowed to enter Nigeria during some past governments and therefore greatly appreciate the abundant freedom under the present government. Therefore Icheoku declares full support and hereby endorses PDP presidential candidate, Dr Goodluck Ebelesimie Azikwe Jonathan for reelection as president of Nigeria. So Nigerians, on February 14, 2015, VOTE FOR GEJ 

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