Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Icheoku says Buhari "borrows" 27million Naira for his declaration of intent and nomination form purchase? Jonathan's friends raises 100million Naira for his declaration of intent and nomination form purchase? Jonathan again raises 21.7billion Naira for his 2015 campaign? Icheoku says who knows what Bola Tinubu's APC would raise when they eventually do their own fundraiser for their campaign 2015? Yet both sides are pointing accusatory fingers at each other lampooning the level of corruption in the country? 

Query:- how can either Jonathan or Buhari ever raise a finger against these campaign fund bundlers, who have so generously enriched their nominations and election campaign efforts, whenever they are ready to recoup their investment on capital by helping themselves from the common wealth? 

Anyway Icheoku says it works this way:- Buhari steals money and because of his usual narrative of being a church rat with which he is fooling some gullible Nigerians, launders the loot through a third party who now turns around to make it available to him in the form of a no-interest phony "loan." Then Jonathan astronomically marks up the cost of contracts with a specific instruction to the frontman contractor that part of the skimmed top-off money would be recycled back to him during his campaign fundraising? 

So Nigerians, ask yourselves between a six and half a dozen, whether there is indeed any difference? It is the way of politicians, they are all sleazy. They tell you what you only what you want to hear but never says what they mean nor do they ever mean what they say. So in 2015 please just vote for whoever you feel will get your back most; but treat their pledge to fight corruption as a complete hogwash gobbledygook that will not see the light of the day in either enforcement or prosecution. 

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