Monday, December 22, 2014


Icheoku says like a California giant squid with its insatiable appetite and a Pacific octopus with many tentacles combined, the man who owns and runs "T-APC", Ahmed Bolaji Tinubu, continues to  gorge and gobble all posts and positions in the APC, leaving Icheoku to wonder what about the other guys? Bola Tinubu's 'all or nothing' and 'if you don't like it, to hell with you' attitude, must by now be robbing wrongly on some people's mind, particularly those who were hoodwinked into joining the APC thinking they formed a real political party when the APC was birthed? Icheoku has never seen such level of avarice and greed fused together in one person and to make matters worse, Tinubu is only interested in his fellow sons of the soil in his selections and appointments or should Icheoku rather say impositions? 

So now query, if Bola Tinubu is currently acting with this impunity of 'winner takes it all' when he did not and has not personally even won a thing, imagine what would happen to Nigeria's treasury if the unfortunate event that is the nightmare of a Buhari's comeback, ever strikes Nigeria like a bolt of lightening? Can Buhari stop the greedy Tinubu from wrecking havoc on whatever leftover the corrupt Jonathan's government doesn't lay their hands on before 2015? Icheoku really is afraid that Buhari, who could not assert himself now but hopelessly watches on the sidelines as Tinubu fills every position in both the party and his campaign, would not be able to call off Tinubu when the food is finally cooked and ready to serve. 
Imagine the latest imposition by Bola Tinubu of Dele Alake, his former commissioner for Information, as the Media and Campaign Director of the Buhari/Osibanjo Campaign 2015? Icheoku says when would deference to this man, Bola Tinubu, be enough in letting him chose who occupies any available position in both the APC and the campaign organization? Icheoku laments that not even Joe Igbokwe or is it 'Igboekweghi', that shriveling son of wherever he came from, who is been slaving for this Bola Tinubu, was considered good enough for the position? A despicable character, whose apostasy and sleaziness in defense of everything Bola Tinubu, has turned him into a scorned fellow, a somewhat pariah , among his kindred and people of the Southeast, was not deemed a fit and proper person and worthy enough, to be appointed the Media and Communication Director for the Buhari's campaign organization?  Ditto the other sellout Osita Okechukwu and you wonder the agonizing fate which awaits Ndigbo should Tinubu ever have his way by winning election 2015. 
Icheoku is deathly afraid that Ndigbo is in the cross-hairs of Bola Tinubu, who is eager to help finish off what Obafemi Awolowo and Olusegun Obasanjo combined anti-Igbo combustive hatred, could not finish? It is possibly going to be de-javu Obafemi Awolowo conspiratorial decimation of Ndigbo's wealth in corroboration with the usual suspect, the Hausa/Fulanis of Northern Nigeria. Icheoku says in 2015, Ndigbo would be better off casting their lot with Jonathan despite that Jonathan has not done much for Ndigbo. At least he has not killed too many Ndigbo just yet, admitted Ezu River and the brave MASSOB people bear a shocking testimony to his security agencies' intermittent murderous rampages on a defenseless and peace loving Ndigbo. 
Unfortunately, Oha na Eze that is supposed to be providing Ndigbo with political guidance going into 2015 is in disarray; and a dysfunctional organization which is as good as moribund have little to no utility in advancing the course of Ndigbo towards an informed 2015. Icheoku reaffirms that 2015 is indeed heavily pregnant with a monstrosity of no describable pedigree and Ndigbo should be prepared to defend themselves from whatever it might unleash on Nigeria. May God and Allah jointly help salvage Nigerians from what they have unfortunately found themselves entwined in:- a Jonathan that is not good and a Buhari that is even worse, thus making the difference between sleeping on an empty stomach and having a nightmare almost seamless. This is particularly more worrisome a choice for the Igbo nation and a fate which they are forced to deal with come 2015. But for Bola Tinubu, he is damn so TOO GREEDY, it shows!

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