Tuesday, December 16, 2014


 Icheoku says unfortunately our world forever changed since that fateful Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001 when the whole world helplessly watched as two planes plowed into World Trade Center buildings in New York? Icheoku asked then and continues to ask now what would make some young men so incensed that they would fly jumbo jets into a building, killing themselves as well as several thousand innocents in the process? Anyway, America has since moved on from the events of that day, admitted no one has forgotten nor will ever forget the unfathomable horrific tragedy that was 9/11. Since then, in response to the attack, several wars have been waged and fought on several fronts and countries and some of them are still continuing till date and may never conclusively see an end. Was what those 9/11 hijacker did reprehensible, you bet; was the response commensurate and specifically tailored to meet the provocateurs'  provocation, Icheoku says not when the attack on Iraq is factored in; as that was rather a stretch and an off-course frolic excessiveness, notwithstanding the passion that was provoked in Americans by the attack on their financial headquarters.  

Unfortunately the same Islamic terrorism has been popping up everywhere from Nigeria to Somalia to Kenya to Mali to Europe to Russia to Israel and practically anywhere and everywhere they find soft targets and sometimes like in Syria, became embolden enough to take on a sitting government. Today it reared its ugly head once again in the land known for its kangaroos and koala bears as well as vastness. It struck in a cafe in downtown Financial District Sidney Australia in what has become known as the Sidney Siege. There an Islamic zealot, Man Haron Monis, held over a Lindt Chocolat Cafe, taking so many hostage; which hostage-situation lingered on for over sixteen hours before the security forces stormed the cafe, freeing the remaining hostages but not before the gun man as well as two others, Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson, died in a crossfire. Icheoku says may their souls including that of the gunman now rest in peace. 

Icheoku says what a shock indeed it must have been for the Aussies who always marvel at how Americans manage to cope under the siege of gun violence that has since taken over America? Ironically while the siege of Sidney was going on, another crazed-out gunman in America, Bradley William Stone, shot and killed six people in Philadelphia suburbs,  including his ex-wife, his ex-mother in-law, his ex-grandmother in-law, his ex-sister in-law and her husband and own his daughter by the now dead ex-wife. Icheoku makes bold to say that in America people are sort of now used to the fact that people die and people get shot and people also get killed by gunshots. It is a kind of past time and no longer a biggie that we kill each other every day and sometime on public television or caught on camera like the choke-hold death in New York or the little twelve year old boy in Ohio that was shot dead without being giving a chance to drop his toy-gun? But the Aussies, not being used to gun violence, must be sorrowfully wondering what kind of a bad Christmas present this Islamic lunatic brought to their Sidney; but in America, we clean up and we move on.

Icheoku says the Western culture has been dismissively waving off these sporadic attacks by Muslim terrorists as lone wolf attacks, but Icheoku says it is about time it is treated for what it is - a conflict of cultures, trying hard to dominate one another. It is about time the West called a meeting with these Islamic countries that produce these lunatics and find a way to tackle the ideology that feeds this kind of reprehensible behavior. Admitted it is going to take a long time to achieve a workable solution but it is a course worth exploring in order to effectively stop the bleeding which their activities is causing both our purse, our human resources as well as our collective general psychology. Admitted also that the West might win all the big battles of declared battle grounds, but how do we go about winning the little tiny minutia battles like the Sidney cafe Siege, which we do not know where and when they will pop up?  

Today in our world, we have al Querida worldwide, al Nasura Front, ISIS, Boko Haram, Maghreb, al Shabaab, Yemeni and other sundry pockets of Islamic terrorists running amok in different parts of the world. Query, if this terrorism is not religious-tinged, why are all these terrorists  groups all MUSLIMS and the spread of Islam motivated? Icheoku says it is about time the West stopped lying to itself about the motivation of these terrorists who possibly have backers from their Islamic home countries, and accept the declared war by the Islamic culture against their own civilization and give them a bloody nose and once and for all resolve the question of supremacy. Icheoku says now is the time to do this or the West will forever continue to live in fear and trepidation for not knowing when and where this terrorists would strike. 

The worse of them all are the enemies in our midst, who are freely living among us and yet plotting evil against us. Icheoku says is such conduct still becoming of a good GUEST's behavior or is it better to just deport all these fanatics back to their various home countries and remain permanently shut out from the West? Why would they leave their oppressive Islamic countries for the West, yet bring along  with them their violent way of life. Icheoku says if they had it so good with what they had back home, why did they live their countries in the first place? But regrettably, the West is not even serious tackling these terrorists everywhere, otherwise why have they not supported Nigeria in their fight against Boko Haram by at least selling them weapons. Icheoku says it is very unfortunate that Nigeria has been begging to buy weapons from the West to help them fight Boko Haram; they are not asking the West to give them hand-out but want to pay for them,  yet the West would not deal. So please can anyone with better knowledge tell Icheoku how this war on global jihadist terrorism would be fought and won if the West continuously remain very  selective in what they consider Islamic terrorism worth fighting and those ones they treat as mere Africans' problem? 

Anyway living in fear of these jihadists has become part of our way of life in the West and there is no silver bullet to shoot down this phobia. All Icheoku could advise is for everybody to be of permanent good behavior and also remain in permanent peace with his/her maker, just in case the next visit to a Star Bucks coincidentally becomes the day another one of these lunatics would be holding the place up and life as we know it evaporates as result. What a sad commentary the Sidney Siege is and Icheoku prays for strength and God's fortitude to families of all the deceased; and also courage for the rest of us still around not to cower under such continuing acts of terror. Their Sidney siege is but a rest-stop in their universal siege and the world must fight back and fight harder and if more bloody, so be it. But winning this war on terror is not going to be anytime soon if ever. On a hindsight, may be we should have left them alone under Saddam Hussein butchery and not unnecessarily stir the hornet's nest in the first place. Now they have scattered everywhere and are unleashing their sting as they see fit and get the opportunity. Icheoku says they have murdered peace and should themselves not know peace! 

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