Monday, December 8, 2014


Icheoku says here is another excerpt from that Buhari's interview:-

Q:- "You were detained after being removed from office via a military coup in 1985. Have you forgiven the man who removed and detained you?"

BUHARI:- "I have said it so many times that those who said I should forgive and forget were not being honest. There are things in life that you will never forget. But I have forgiven the persons who were responsible for removing me and detaining me BUT I will NEVER forget them.

Icheoku laments if only Muhammadu Buhari knows the content of "Our Lords Prayer", he would have been aware that he is required to first asks and receive President Shehu Shagari's forgiveness before asking or expecting or even effectively forgiving Ibrahim Babangida, assuming the Evil Genius asked for his forgiveness? Muhammadu Buhari was the first bandit to rob an elected President Shehu Shagari of his mandate; and IBB merely stole from him what he stole earlier from Shagari. It is like IBB merely re-stole from Buhari what he never rightfully owned nor effectively had? Therefore robing an armed robber at gun point what he earlier robbed at gun point is technically not armed robbery because the initial armed robber did not have rightful ownership and possession of the thing in the first place and should not be heard to complain if another armed robber takes it from him. Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari has no standing whatsoever to feel bad about his removal as he did the same thing to a duly elected President Shehu Shagari.

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