Monday, December 8, 2014


Icheoku says in an interview with The Sun Newspapers, December 9. 2015, the man who is desperate to rule Nigeria again after three previously failed attempts, APC Muhammadu Buhari, has recanted his earlier claim that he was merely invited after the 1983 coup to assume leadership of the junta? many Nigerians including Icheoku doubted his claim then as well as his overall veracity for truth. Peradventure, he was caught pants down in an unguarded moment and he ADMITTED being a COUP PLOTTER. Below is the excerpt of the question and answer session that roped in and in his own very own words.

Q:- "Are you sorry for bringing to an end the Shagari’s government?"

Buhari:- "No, I am not sorry because I mentioned the reasons why WE DID IT. And we proved our case."

Icheoku says Nigerians now you know that the man who truncated democracy is trying to benefit from the same democracy he once killed. Please Sai No to Buhari; tell him DEMOCRACY hates anti-democracy elements. Moreso he is so yesterday to want to participate in a government of the future. Icheoku says Nigeria has no use of him and his ilks; especially not in 2015. He lacks candor and his words don't mean a thing.

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