Friday, November 28, 2014


Dear Mr Sowore Omoyele, 


It is with the utmost reluctance and hesitation that Icheoku writes to plead with you to please tone down your current rabid fixation on President Jonathan because it is somewhat now hovering on the lunatic fringes. You have become what psychologists call borderline dysfunctional in your attacks on the president and his government while cleverly looking the other way as it concerns the other side. As a media outfit, you should report stories as they unfold but not necessarily mislead the public by skewing stories to derive a particular agenda. At the end of the day, the president might win or lose the election but SR will never be the same again, especially not in the eyes of Nigerians, many of who now regard your outfit as another yellow pages, that is not only not dispassionate but totally inbed with everything anti-Jonathan and out to do the president in.  

Your SR never reports anything positive or productive of the government including the little gains they periodically make against Boko Haram as well as other areas of noted progress, admitted more, as always, could have been done. Except if you have unknowingly fully morphed into an aparatichik of those not wishing Nigeria well, it is about time you take some introspection and rejig both your approach and needless subjective criticisms. Facts are universally sacred and objective but never subjective, except you have become another Fox News whose "just the facts" mantra excludes to mention that it is the "facts" according to their own jaundiced perception ONLY. 

Politics and politicians are like the barracks, soldier come soldier go, but barracks still stay open; so why so recklessly wage a war that is otherwise avoidable. No one ever quarrels with objective reporting or writing, but not when it crosses the line and becomes a hatchet job out to destroy and/or humiliate a president and his government?  However, Icheoku is not in a position to tell you how to live your newly chosen life of an attack dog for the APC or in any way wants to direct the trajectory of your outlet, but suffice it to say that SR has lost the lustre and great anticipation that heralded its introduction to the world and the Nigerian reading public in particular. If you must be that asinine and bias against a person of the president or his party, at least come out openly and declare for the APC like NdaNusa of Leadership Newspapers, so that people would know where you are really coming from. But please stop masquerading yourself as an investigative social media person "reporting it as you see it", admitted you may be making a killing, smiling to the banks, because of the turn you have taken. 

Your crass frenzied support for Muhammadu Buhari's presidency also unnerves millions of Nigeria who have been wondering lately whether you were born just yesterday and before Buhari's first coming that you so naively crave his second time around? What type of a democrat would so frontally be canvassing for a Muhammadu Buhari encore, fully aware of the type of despotic regime he ran between 1983 to 1985? But that is your privilege to support whoever you want, but please try to separate your personal interest from the "public" interest which SR supposedly represents. Anyway, a word should be enough for the wise and hopefully you still retained some reason to reason along this personal outreach, but you decide how you want to be remembered. 


Still the same as ever,

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