Saturday, November 29, 2014


"Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department. Nevertheless, stretch yourself. Rise to the occasion. Act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. And certainly don’t make faces during televised public events." - Elizabeth Lauten, a Republican from Tennessee. 

Icheoku says imagine what a fully grown adult white woman wrote about two little black girls, whose only 'sin' is that their father is presently occupying "their" White House and she is not finding their black-color adulteration of "their" White House funny? Icheoku says it appears that all these white people keep hating, as if hatred for people who  do not look like them is ingrained in their  DNA, all of them and without any exception. The only thing is that until they are caught, they keep on putting a pretentious face of being holier than thou in the racism department. Imagine this bimbo being highly critical of two little girls just for "making faces" at a White House annual Thanksgiving day turkey pardon event. 

But Icheoku knows the true underlying reason is not that the two little black girls made faces, which little girl doesn't? It is simply because of the the very fact that they are two little black girls, running around in "their" White House. Imagine asking two little girls to show some class? Then further piling up on them by bringing their parents as an issue? And condemning the two little black girls for falling short in the "role model department?" And of course telling them that they are ONLY privileged to be in "their" White House and ought to respect that circumstantial fact? And lastly equating them to girls of easy virtue (whores) ready to be picked-up at a bar? 

Anyway, Icheoku says it is only those people who are in denial of the increased racism among racist white Americans since the "ADVERSE" occupation of "their" White House by the BLACK Obama family, that still get surprised at some of these racial outbursts. As for Icheoku we fully understand the ramification of race in everything America as we live, feel and see it, everyday, everywhere; and denying its existence is being in self-denial and is unhealthy for the mental health. But unfortunately for these racist pigs, no one is living America for anybody; it is rather too late to contemplate that outcome, a desire which many of them nurse and hopelessly wish for as an eventual inevitable. Also if they may, the bad news for them is that black people will and shall survive!

1 comment:

  1. Congressional aide to resign after criticizing Obama daughters:

    A congressional aide who recently criticized President Barack Obama's teenage daughters on social media told NBC News on Monday that she would resign.

    Elizabeth Lauten, communications director for Republican Representative Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, had said via a Facebook post that Obama's daughters, Malia, 16, and Sasha, 13, needed to show "a little class," complaining they appeared to look uninterested last week during an appearance with their father at a White House pre-Thanksgiving ceremony at which he had "pardoned" a turkey.

    Her post unleashed a backlash on social media, prompting Lauten to later apologize on Facebook for her comments.

    "I was taken aback that there was a political operative on Capitol Hill who did use the occasion of the Thanksgiving-themed event to criticize members of the presidential family," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday.

    Earnest said that Lauten's subsequent apology was "an appropriate thing for her to do."

    Children of presidents have generally been off limits for criticism in Washington.

    "Act like being in the White House matters to you," Lauten said in the Facebook post last week.

    She also took a shot at the president and his wife, saying the Obama girls did not have good role models.

    On Monday, Lauten told NBC News that her resignation from Fincher's staff was "in the works."

    No one in Fincher's office was available to confirm Lauten's plans.
