Thursday, November 13, 2014


"I see a Nigeria where the children of Mustapha and Christopher, Ade and Ada, Timi and Bunmi, Nnamdi and Namadi, do not go hungry. I see a Nigeria, where all, no matter their believe, live in harmony." - President Goodluck Jonathan, declaration speech.

Icheoku says whether it is a "vision" correctly labelled or a prophesy or whatever nomenclature that is comfortably suitable as an apt description of what he said, the gist of the matter is that President Jonathan of Nigeria now gets it on what the future of Nigeria should be. A country with abundance where no Nigerian should go to bed at night hungry on an empty stomach. Icheoku commends this mission statement as a good step in the right direction, as nothing is fun or amusing to anyone with a rumbling empty stomach, especially if the hunger lasts so long as to cause stomach ulcer. Call it "stomach infrastructure" if you like and for crying out loud, but whoever puts bread on the table of the hungry always wins, as a commandeered heart seldom falters. 

Icheoku says it thus appear that finally, the man with no shoes as a growing young school kid, now, after wearing the best crafted leather shoes money can buy out of Italy, now knows how comfortable it is not to pound the pavement on ten toes and would like to share this his newly found experience? President Jonathan now wants to provide the proverbial shoes to all those "shoeless" Nigerians, to help them cushion the effect of being without soles beneath their soles? Icheoku says God bless his heart for at least remembering that a time it was, when he had none; unlike so many Nigerians who readily forget where they started or are coming from once fortune smiles at them and in the madness of their new found riches. Dreaming it and mouthing this intention to put butter on every Nigerians' bread is a darn good thing that is worthy of commendation.  

Icheoku maintains that it is a magnanimous spirit that so thinks about others that are out and down on their luck,  the downtrodden and nearly forgotten. At least if it pans out that he is not so bountiful in purse to see the promise through, he has shown his magnanimous spirit by declaring his intention to try. Nigerians should applaud their president for thinking and worrying about them. Icheoku remembers the Ota deity, during his reign of infamy, when he visited Ikeja bomb victims and scolded them for being ingrates not to appreciate that he even visited them at all; and this was while these victims were merely complaining their lack of water to drink? 

Icheoku says it is only a demented Nigerian, who after living through the first Muhammadu Buhari's nihilistic rule and further surviving last Baba Iyabo's 'do or die' governance and fully aware that both men are products of the boot-camp mentality of their profession, and so they being so uncouth and knowing no better, would wish an encore through a Buhari reemergence. Anyway this 2015, say no to Buhari because not only would he not give or buy you shoes, he might cut off your feet under his impending "Project spread SHARIA throughout Nigeria". Icheoku says even if President Jonathan could not "mission accomplish" shoes for Nigerians, at least they would still have their feet to 'waka' about in; but how far can an amputated stump trudge? You decide Nigerians. 

The good thing about having a vision is that the visionary at least has a clue of where he wants to get to or land.  President Jonathan appreciates that some Nigerians are hungry and in need of some helping hand to be able to fend for themselves. Nigerians are not asking for handouts, they are only craving enabling environment and opportunities to be able to find what they are looking for. The president understands this imperative and has accordingly addressed his intention to provide same. The president also sees a united and indivisible 'one-wombed' Nigerians. Unlike the other guy who only sees Nigerians in two prisms of those who are "real Nigerians" and those "stranger-Nigerians," the dogs and baboons, who ought to and should be killed.  

Icheoku says it is a very sad commentary for any leader and in this case,  Muhammadu Buhari, to so start compartmentalizing and dividing citizens of a country in this mad-dog manner - those "true-blood" Nigerians who deserve to live and those "bastard and inferior Nigerians" to be killed and even before securing the power to put his plans into fruition. As for  Icheoku and other sane Nigerians, we have chosen life; so you decide what works for you. Icheoku says in 2015, staying alive, whether or not you belong to the class of  "dogs and baboons," is on the ballot, so cast your vote according to your preferred outcome. Laying six feet under or standing on your two un-amputated feet still struggling, just in case Jonathan left you holding the plate or entirely forgot his promise to you, should be the ONLY two things that accompany you into that voting booth and minister to your conscience as you cast your ballot. ENOUGH of these military men who think that they are the only good thing that ever happened to Nigeria! Just say no to Buhari!

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