Friday, November 14, 2014


"While serving our people, I will always ensure the rule of law. I do not intimidate. I expand the democratic space. I give voice to the voiceless and I uphold the weak for the nation belongs to us all. There is no political prisoner in Nigeria today and no one has been driven into exile and no one will under my watch. Under my presidency, views no matter how freely expressed, will not send any Nigerian to prison or exile or grave." - President Jonathan, Declaration speech.

Icheoku says during the government of President Yar'Adua many of us could not and did not visit motherland because of an existing list of critics deemed to be "undesirable elements, keep an eye on them" Nigerians. A then former contributor to Icheoku was so terrified with his arrest, detention and treatment on arrival at Muritala Mohammed airport, that upon his release and subsequent return, demanded that he be removed from Icheoku's affairs and that even the articles he co-authored in the past be disclaimed. We complied. There were phone calls and other subliminal threats too. So Icheoku understands what it means to work a very tight rope of lean or no freedom, with your eyes always at your back and maintaining eternal vigilance. So when President Jonathan makes such a commitment and promise not to inhibit thinking Nigerians from freely expressing their views on issues of state and related matters, Icheoku knows first hand the goodness of a heart that so pledges. 

The other time it was APC Ogun State Governor Amosun that ordered the arrest of one Wasiu Ogunnoiki because of what he posted on his FB page which the governor deemed "as acts capable of denting the image of Ogun State" and not flattering enough of his person and office? Ditto in then Ekiti State and some other places in control of the APC? Lagos State Governor Fashola also impeded some Nigerians liberty and freedom and earned himself a not so flattering epithet as that governor who deported fellow citizens from their own country? The dare not criticize whatever I force down your throat idiosyncrasy of Bola Tinubu is equally legendary. Muhammadu Buhari even went too far down this perfidious road of emasculation of Nigerians when he promulgated Decrees 4 and 20 to totally make it off limit, any discussing, talk less of criticizing, of his regime when he held forth. 

So when freedom loving and craving Nigerians listen to their president pledge not to trample upon anyone's liberty, freedom and pursuit of happiness, they get it. They also hear a person they could live with and thrive under; and they plan to respond accordingly by handing him the needed mandate to protect their enshrined rights.  Icheoku says this 2015, leg-chain is on the ballot and in case you have so soon forgotten the infamous Awolowo Road gulag that operated with impunity during Buhari's regime, majority of right-thinking Nigerians have not. 

Going back to the old ways is not an option and should not be. It is simply anathema to a Nigeria that desires and aspires to belong to the comity of decent nations, whose citizens are not in constant fear of the state. In a true democracy, it is the government that fears the citizens and not the other way round; so if Nigeria is practicing true democracy, then the guy who would guarantee this principle tenet of democracy is the right guy to man the tiller of the state. So in 2015, say no to Buhari; reject his latest attempt to muscle opinions of Nigerians or like Baba Iyabo, force some Nigerians, including governors, those lucky enough not to be kidnapped, into self exile. Please be rational, do not hand those other guys the keys to lock you up and away from civilization. Do not vote for Buhari.

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