Thursday, November 20, 2014


"In this election season, I appeal to all of you not to harm, maim or kill anyone and not to incite violence of any kind. We must never forget our common bond, one people, from the womb of Nigeria. Again I say, my ambition to serve you is not worth the blood of any Nigerian, I remain committed to this principle of non violence." - President Jonathan. 

Icheoku says if only Muhammadu Buhari will follow suit and forsake his planned killing of all those Nigerians he considers as "dogs and baboons" Nigerians will have a peaceful election. Muhammmadu Buhari should emulate the path of peace as laid by Jonathan by pledging similarly not to shed the blood of Nigerians  the dogs and baboons inclusive, just because of an elected office. Icheoku calls on Buhari to denounce his earlier threat to trigger a river of blood of Nigerians in case his unattainable, inordinate ambition falls through.

Icheoku says in 2015, Nigerians please reject Buhari. Say no to Buhari. Do not vote for Buhari. Vote for the other guy, not necessarily because you love him so much or that he has impressed you so much with mouth-gaping accomplishments; BUT simply because Buhari is not a tolerable option. Icheoku says Buhari is worse than EBOLA virus disease, would wreck Nigeria's march forward and therefore should be quarantined very far away and out of the vicinity of Aso Rock, forever and ever!

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