Friday, November 21, 2014


Icheoku says a 1982 'sexual assault' only coming to light in 2014, thirty two long years after, is not only doubtful but most likely improbable? Icheoku says either it did not happen at all, was consensual or the bitch, looking for some free media time, decided to retell a story with some embellishment?  Query, why would any person including the accuser, feeling so violently violated by a sexual act, keep mute about the assault, not contacting the police or at least telling it to her best friend; and then waited for memories to grow faint, to now tell her version of events that allegedly happened thirty two long years ago? 

Icheoku says it was in the same manner that Mike Tyson was 'wrongfully accused and convicted' for a consensual sex termed rape by a woman, who willingly sneaked into his hotel room in a see through lingerie by 2.00am in the night and afterwards changed her mind and retold the story of what happened as a rape? Icheoku asks what was Janice Dickinson doing on the bed of Bill Cosby's private Lake Tahoe suit anyway, wearing only pajamas, in the middle of the night and after being so wasted?  Moreso, she admitted that she was seeking help with her career improvement with the visit with Bill Cosby? Icheoku wondered whether she did not go there prepared to do whatever it took, including offering herself to Bill Cosby,  to get her career going again? 

Icheoku says women often think that their body is the best thing they can ever pony up to induce a man to do their bidding? So is anyone thinking with Icheoku in this direction that probably, Janice so freely pawned up her privates only to turn around, thirty two long years later, in an effort to get some free media, with her claim of sexual molestation?Anyway, if America is buying her hogwash, Icheoku certainly is not so beguiled. Icheoku's position is founded on so many historical experiences of wrong accusations and after the fact remorseful change of mind stories that unduly prejudiced an otherwise innocent accused person. Bill Cosby might also be another victim of this type of lynching of character based on made-up tales, fathoms and lies. 

Icheoku is not saying that nothing probably happened between Janice and Bill Cosby, but if, it was most likely consensual and at worst not freely given as in a but-for-career-opportunity manner, in a quid pro quo fashion. But who cares! Please Americans, let us permit these old fellas who have rightly earned their plumage to be able to fly into their sunset without all these needless effort at tarnishing their hard earned reputation and image or causing them undue stress and probably high blood pleasure. That is not to suggest that perverts and molesters should be shielded because of who they are but thirty two long years of silence of the accuser should somewhat provided some shield in this case, calls it a form of statutory bar if you like. Icheoku says to Janice and other haters, please leave the old man Cosby alone, let Bill Cosby be.

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