Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Icheoku says congratulations to the government of President Jonathan Goodluck of Nigeria for successfully checkmating Patrick Sawyer and his minders's attempt to destroy the country with the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease.  Thanks to their dogged effort, Nigeria is now adjudged completely free of the disease as the World Health Organization today officially certified.  For this reason, every Nigerian, their friends and well wishers should indeed be proud that, finally, something spectacularly uplifting and heartwarming, was checked by the world to Nigeria's credit column. Who knew that Africa's most populous country could so decisively protect her citizenry and economy from Ebola, despite all the naysayers projections that it was going to be a gargantuan disaster that will completely decimate her population and economy? But look at who laughs last, President Jonathan and her over 160 million citizens and residents alike. Icheoku says well-done on a job done well Mr President.

Icheoku will also extend our gratitude to the then Health Minister Chukwu for excellently succeeding in the task that was his ministry's to tackle the Ebola Virus Disease. Icheoku also prays that all other ministries in Nigeria as well as government parastatals and agencies would so effectively tackle various problems bedeviling the country which falls within their respective ministries' primary responsibility; and this immediately calls to mind the Ministry of Power and its lack of traction in solving Nigeria's endemic power problem.

Icheoku also thanks the governments of Lagos, Rivers and Enugu States whose states were directly impacted by the Ebola Virus Disease for gallantry putting up with the challenge of wrestling Ebola to a conclusive end. Icheoku also congratulates all the first responders and health care professionals, immigration and border enforcement agencies as well as other security personnel who provided care and service and also maintained order throughout this near epicurean crisis. As the first line of defense in this successful war against Ebola, they put up a stellar performance and Nigerians owe them their gratitude. Icheoku also recognizes  the staff and management of First Foundation Consultants, whose Dr. Adadevoh sacrificed herself, diagnosing Patrick Sawyer of the disease and quarantining him immediately to avoid further infestation of the general populace. 

Icheoku rejoices that today is Nigeria's day of glory as the country is recognized throughout the world as having successfully accomplished something of great note and significance. The world is not usually very favorably disposed towards Africa in general and particularly Nigeria, so for its agency WHO, to have acknowledged Nigeria as having done brilliantly well in the fight against Ebola Virus Disease, is something for Nigerians to celebrate and indeed be proud of. Nigeria is now the reference point in the fight against EVD as even the United States of America have adopted Nigeria's winning strategy as they grapple with their own Ebola invasion. Icheoku says some bubblies and high fives on this occasion would not be an unmerited gloating.  The Ebola success story goes to show what is indeed possible in the country should all its disparate people come together as one to help lift the country up. Icheoku once again says congratulations Nigeria and may the Ebola Virus Disease response become the new benchmark for problem-solving in the country. Way to go Nigeria! 

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday, Nigeria was declared Ebola free by the World Health Organization, (WHO). The declaration is an attestation to the Nigerian Can Do Spirit. It is also a clear demonstration of the many possibilities of our Nation. With us as a people, united under God, there is nothing we cannot achieve when we stand together behind an objective. Unity is the secret weapon Nigeria used against the Ebola Virus Disease and nothing shall be impossible for a united Nigeria. I congratulate and thank all Nigerians on this great feat. I want to also specially thank the governments and peoples of Lagos, Rivers and Enugu states, the first responders who treated the index cases. To all the thirty six state governors who united with the Federal Government to rid Nigeria of this scourge I also say a big thank you. Although we have been declared free of Ebola we must however, remain vigilant as the Ebola virus is still on rampage in neighboring Sister Countries. We cannot afford to let down our guard when there is still Ebola pain in our subregion. In this regard we will spare no resource in supporting our neighbors in the battle to contain this deadly scourge. May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria. GEJ
