Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Icheoku says Operation Stop Buhari (OSB) is a task that must be done. It is already full steam and full throttle, are you game? Stopping Buhari is a patriotic duty for every concerned Nigerian, are you? Join the effort today. Buhari has blood of three innocent Nigerians on his hands and must not be rewarded with Nigeria's presidency which he denied President Shehu Shagari.  Icheoku says Nigerians must not waiver or dither until there is 'mission accomplished' on this Project Stop Buhari. Say no to Buhari, Never again Buhari, Not this time and not at any future time. Say 'Ba abuu' Buhari! 

Just take a good look at this two faces Nigerians and please tell Icheoku you will be comfortable with both men running affairs of Nigeria? Please do the NEEDFUL, join the effort now to stop this marauder and prevent him from torturing Nigerians again. Say never again Buhari, say NO to Buhari. On February 14, 2015 VITE GEJ.

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