Saturday, July 5, 2014


Icheoku says the Russian strong man it would seem is not so strong afterall as he now reaches out to the United States of America asking for understanding and accommodation in world affairs? Icheoku says it is definitely a good step in the right direction by Vladimir Putin as unnecessary obtrusiveness and petulant braggadocio never delivers ill-desired results, especially when a united world stands firm against such meddlesome interloper. Finally, the whole world now knows whose position was right and who provoked unneeded crisis when he invaded and stole another country's territory, Crimea, thinking that he can get away with such murderous act. Thankfully America alongside its international partners stood firm and now Putin is begging to be forgiven. 

Icheoku says forgive, the world shall; BUT Putin must first vomit Crimea and pledge never to act like a spoilt kid who needlessly throws tantrums each time his wishes are not met or when he is told that he cannot always have his way. Icheoku says the world will accommodate Putin's request to be recognized but he must be told that unequals cannot be made equal just because he so wishes; and provided he is ready and willing to take his place as possibly the number two country and ceases and desists from making further troubles, then reasonable accommodation should be made for Russia in the comity of nations.  On July 4th independence day celebration, Icheoku says many more years to America and may America continue to shine the light for the rest of the world. including Putin's Russia, to see and follow!

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