Monday, July 7, 2014


Icheoku bemoans the mentality of this Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, who continually battles a president from his neighboring state and sometimes insultingly too; but has no qualms genuflecting and bowing for an ordinary Hausa man Abubakar Atiku? 

The only way to sensibly fathom any logical explanation for this inexplicable disparate behavior is to conclude that Governor Amaechi is psychologically troubled and probably suffering from a South-south man's inferiority-complex tinged slave-mentality that still regards the Hausa/Fulani North as superior to them? Icheoku asks how can a man who stands up on rostrums all over the place, pouring invective on a sitting President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria, now crawl to the residence of Abubakar Atiku to bow for him? 

Icheoku does not know about you BUT this Governor Amaechi makes me sick to the stomach. Icheoku says if the PDP cannot stop any other recalcitrant governor in 2015, Rotimi Amaechi MUST be made an exception because he has since crossed every bar of decency in showing mortal disrespect to a sitting president while at the same time slavishly kowtowing to the Hausa/Fulani North. Icheoku condemns his slavish conduct as very despicable, especially in view of the mortally CORRUPT individual before whom he bows and trembles as personalized in Atiku Abubakar. What a farce this man is that is Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi. Icheoku feels like throwing up for his vileness. 

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