Saturday, June 21, 2014


Icheoku does not often agree with the man who owns and runs APC, but with the latest upbraiding of Yoruba monarchs, Icheoku cannot but agree more with Bola Ahmed Tinubu that it is about time some of these people causing trouble in Nigeria are called out for their deeds. Icheoku says what ABT did by calling eminent Yoruba Obas "useless" and thus greatly diminished them in the eyes of their subjects, who hitherto held them in so high a reverence, is very monumental indeed and commendable as it will help move Nigeria forward without all these unneeded shackles called revered traditional institutions. 

It is simply revolutionary and falls in the same category as the late Sani Abacha's demystifying the Sokoto Sultanate when he  unceremoniously dethroned and banished the then Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Ibrahim Dasuki outside the Sultanate. Icheoku says since that Abacha's brave destruction of what once was an "untouchable institution", the  Sultanate, many Nigerians now live in less awe of the Sultan of Sokoto. Now many see it as just another traditional institution like many others in the country and that the Sultan is not God-like but a mere mortal subject to the laws of the state. Now Bola Tinubu has followed that path of brave actors in history and hopefully he will one day find the much needed power to permanently free his Yoruba nation from the shackles and clutches of these Obas, who fleece and freeload on their people as if it their divine right, being their divinity or their earthly spiritual representative. 

Icheoku says the problem with Nigeria is that many people know that things are wrong and also know which people are festering this situation but are complicit in the situation. Also because of these perpetrators' high standing in the society, no one ever braves or dares calling them out on account of their numerous misdeeds including taking their subjects wives and children as part of their concubines. Icheoku says this is where ABT has now set himself apart from the pack, trail-brazing and rightfully followed in the shoes of Sani Abacha by going where many trembled to bravely call these people what they really are - USELESS. 

Icheoku says this possibly explains why Ahmed Bola Tinubu did not pay a courtesy visit to the Obi of Onitsha during the last APC governorship campaign stop in that city, due to his disdain for traditional rulers and the institutions they represents that is equally "useless?" As far as Icheoku is concerned these institutions should disappear as they are up to no good and contribute nothing to the economic well-being of Nigeria unlike the Queen of England that helps boost tourism in the United Kingdom. They were relevance when there was no government, but now a functioning government makes their hitherto usefulness, useless. Icheoku says other than perpetually enlarging their concubinage with their subjects wives and daughters, who they sometimes forcibly seizes and usurping their subject's properties, they are all good for nothing. And Icheoku means all of them throughout Nigeria, not just Yoruba Obas. Icheoku says bravo ABT and we pray other brave souls could follow your good step to unshackle Nigerians from this outdated traditional institutions once and for all.

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