Sunday, June 22, 2014


Icheoku says studies have shown that in every and any election, people vote for two principal reasons:- they either vote against something or they vote to make a categorical statement moving forward.  People usually do not necessarily vote simply because suddenly a messiah just emerged on the scene to take away all their sorrows? In Ekiti State, the Yorubas voted to reject Bola Tinubu's GREED and to send a message to Bola Tinubu that their Obas are not USELESS. 

Icheoku knew from right from the bat that Bola Ahmed Tinubu shot himself on the foot politically, when he uttered those offensive words -"Yoruba Obas are useless."  It is politically suicidal for any politician to attack that which the people and electorates hold very dear to themselves even if culturally. Icheoku says when a politician disparages the electorate by telling them that the institutions which they hold highly in reverence is occupied by USELESS persons, that politician is by extension equally condemning the people that instituted those persons as being dumb. No sane thinking people will tolerate or forgive such communal insult and this is what Ekiti State people have expressed in the outcome of the election. It is just like insulting a religious leader be Him Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha or a racial-struggle symbol like Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela. Such personalities mean something very special to the people and it is simply a no-go area for any right thinking politician to insult them or in any way be seen as not sharing in the people's collective admiration. The rule of the thumb is that politicians do not tell people what they are really thinking but only tell them what they want to hear and Bola Tinubu went astray here when he castigated a whole institution as being "USELESS?" It is just in the same token as a man who wants to score a chic for the first time do not tell her the hard truths. 

Further, wise Yoruba people are beginning to see through the veil of APC as just a vehicle to satiate Bola Tinubu's gluttony and that the party is Bola Tinubu personalized. His wife is a senator, his daughter is a councillor, his son in law a representative and another of his daughter is Iyaloja Market Women's leader and you ask yourself is APC's democratic dividend ONLY for Bola Tinubu's enjoyment? Simply put Ahmed Bola Tinubu has become too high handed in the APC and Yorubaland that only a Khaki uniform is stopping him short of being a full military dictator and any democracy frowns at and shuns of such persons. If any people are yearning for democracy, they are collectively desiring to partake in what democracy brings but will not gladly watch as the communal goods is being wantonly cornered by just one man. Such brings resentment and Bola Tinubu has cornered himself in the receiving end of the peoples anger. So Icheoku asks Bola Tinubu whether APC's democracy is for the people or ONLY for Bola Tinubu and his family?

So Nigerians now you know that the vote for Ayodele Fayose is a vote to reject Bola Tinubu and not necessarily a vote against Dr Fayemi. In the Ekiti election, the wise people of Yoruba land has sent a strong and loud message that they are going to free themselves from the clutches of ABT. As a result, no one should be surprised if the same voting pattern is replicated and resonates throughout the rest of Southwest Yoruba states as the people vote through 2015. icheoku says Bola Tinubu has so much damaged APC's credibility and no right thinking man would pretend that APC is not Bola Tinubu and Bola Tinubu is not APC. Both are two Siamese twins joined in the chest and sharing one aorta; and any attempt to separate them will be fatal. Anyone still in doubt should just look at the recently concluded so called APC convention and see the trappings of a master puppet who pulled all the strings to impose his candidates on the party; and you ask yourself is this still democracy or an apparition of it known as Tinubocracy? 

Lastly Icheoku commends Governor Fayemi for quickly conceding the election and congratulating the winner Fayose. It shows that although it is still making baby-steps, but finally the democracy in Nigeria is evolving and hopefully will get to the promised land someday. At least nobody rigged and nobody roasted. Thank you Ekiti people for rejecting Bola Tinubu's greed and his emerging insulting dictatorial tendencies; now Nigerians know who is USELESS. Icheoku says congratulations to Fayemi and Fayose for being two great sons of Ekiti who wanted only the best for their people. At least their personal desire was not worth the shedding of any Ekiti son or daughter's blood and we commend this and prays other sections of Nigeria will look up to them as they struggle for power in their respective constituencies. Icheoku will also like to commend INEC for conducting an election which all gladiators applauded as exemplary; ditto is the Nigerian security agencies for securing the election process to ensure no malpractices took place. President Goodluck Jonathan is equally appreciated for providing a fair playing ground for all partisans and if this is what 2015 is going to be, then there is no shaking as Nigeria will only emerge stronger. Way to go Nigerians; lets keep the hope alive. 

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