Monday, April 14, 2014


Icheoku says the unceasing attacks on Nigeria is seemingly multidimensional as added to the internal strife of Boko Haram is the concerted effort of the White people to not see Nigeria succeed, rise and become great? Before the Boko Haram uprising, no good news ever came out of Nigeria via them and with the advent of Boko Haram, all news out Nigeria has become Boko Haram-ed. Watching a BBC reporter comment on the latest Nyanya Bus Stop bomb blast,  Icheoku could but deduce the inert desire of some of these Western people to see Nigeria perpetually mired down in crisis such as the Boko Haram quagmire and thereby not have the opportunity to consolidate their gains and/or attain any glorious height. Hear him - 'despite the government's vaunted success over the Boko Haram crisis, the bomb blast inside Abuja Capital City of Nigeria shows that all is still not well with Nigeria as no one is safe both in Abuja and throughout Nigeria.' 

Icheoku says there is a subliminal message in this reporting, telegraphing to their people and would-be investors worldwide, who are foaming in the mouth over the new GDP database fuelled business prospects, that they should avoid Nigeria or go there at their own risk to lives and/or limbs. Query:-is the Nigerian Information Ministry doing enough or anything to counteract or at least contain such geared utra-negative publicity being piled up against the country?

But conversely, Icheoku asks who are Jonathan's advisers?  His NSA is a Northerner, his Defense Minister is a Northerner, his IGP of Police is a Northerner, his Internal Affairs Minister is a Northerner, his Chief of Defense Staff is a Northerner; his Attorney General is a Northerner, Boko Haram is a Northern establishment and their armed wing, and then it is the same Northerners who want him GONE? So it would appear that the same people who wants to see the back of Jonathan out of Aso Rock are the same people causing the Boko Haram mayhem and also are the same people HIRED to starve off the Boko Haram attacks? Now tell icheoku how SMART the arrangement is and why Boko Haram menace is ever going to peter to a stop under this arrangement? Just do the math and use your tongue to count your teeth and the puzzle of Boko Haram is solved, QED. 

IGP Onovo who was doing a good methodical job, identifying and harmonising the police force, when he was removed because he could not "end kidnappings quickly enough" barely six months into his stewardship, yet IGP Abubakar has been there longer and insecurity has gone through the roof? The then NSA Patrick Aziza was removed shortly into his term because Boko Haram was still setting off periodic bombings, yet Dasuki has been there longer and Boko Haram has gotten more daring? Ihejirika was nearly vanquishing Boko Haram when Jonathan was blackmailed into removing him as those Northerners labelled it a Biafran war revenge due to his successful campaign, now what is going on under the new COAS? Then to add insult to injury, Jonathan handed away the defense Ministry to a man who allegedly created and nurtured Boko Haram as a counter-balance force to the then Niger Delta terrorists, needless to add that the Defense Minister and the NSA are in-laws and you ask whatever happened to frowning at cronyism? Who knows what these officials discuss in private when they speak in their dialectic Fulani regarding the sleepless in Aso Rock Jonathan?

The other day Boko Haram struck right inside SSS headquarters, today it was Nyanya Motor Park, who knows whether they have established a contact point inside Aso Rock waiting for the right coordinates and signal before unleashing their regime`of terror? Icheoku prays that the nightmarish scenario of Rwanda which led to the genocidal civil war from which Hutus and Tutus are yet to recover will not replicate itself in Nigeria when a sitting president was shot out in the air and the country went up in smoke. Icheoku prays that this Armageddon will not occur in Nigeria as it will be the last tinder in the keg of gunpowder which cataclysmic explosion is better left for the imagination than witnessed. Nigeria should pray that nothing happens to Jonathan and it does not matter what, how or where - it will simply be unacceptable and inexplicable. Just imagine when Don Corleone in The Godfather was extracting assurances from other Capones regarding the safety of Michael who was returning back to New York from security-exile in Sicily, that even if thunder should strike and kill Michael enroute, they will be held responsible. Icheoku says that President Jonathan is no longer an Ijaw or Bayelsa or Niger Delta/South South issue, he has since morphed from that into a bigger and much heavier issue and these Northerners must bear this in mind while making their calculations.

Please Nigerians, especially the security operatives as well as leaders of thoughts, understand that there is only a country belonging to you and its implosion will leave everyone countryless at least for a while, regardless of the subsequent resolution, if ever. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somali and Rwanda are still reeling under fractured politics which no observer would wish on his or her enemy country, so why precipitate this on the motherland? Icheoku says if ever a time called for all hands to be on deck to solve the insecurity problem of Boko Haram in the country, now is the time. This Boko Haram madness ought and should and must be stopped and NOW. Enough of the madness, now is no longer the time to see it as "their problem"('dem, dem problem' as Kwankwaso would put it) or that it is Jonathan's problem. This attitude by Nigerians especially the APC and others must stop and all hands must be gathered at the common ground to save or rather salvage the only country which truly belongs to the blackman. May God save us all.

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