Monday, April 14, 2014


Icheoku says it is about time this 'PASTOR-minister' is sacked so that he can devote his time fully to preaching the gospel. That the epileptic electricity supply in the country has grown worse under his watch is not an exaggeration and instead of tackling the problem he is busy preaching? Upon his inauguration, he promised Nigerians that he was going to "sweep away the demons affecting the power industry" and today few years later instead of "sweeping the demons away" and giving Nigerians power as he promised, he has turned his sight on Boko Haram and seeing it in a pedestrian way as being a spiritual warfare? In his words then, he said "I still believe that witches are responsible for the problems in the power sector but I believe that God will give me the power to chase out the demons in the power sector.” Today, he is now seeing Boko Haram as being a "spiritual warfare" which according to him, "only those of them in the spirit understands or knows" while the rest of other earthly Nigerians see it as a religious insurgency, for crying out loud?

Icheoku laments the mindset of the men and women running the affairs of Nigeria, who instead of tinkering out solutions to the myriads of problems bedevilling the country, dismissively see it as ensuing from the realm? So, it is easy inference to make from their utterances that since these problems are either "DEMONIC" or SPIRITUAL", there is probably no earthly solution to them; hence their wait for divine intervention leading to the continued deterioration instead of improvement being witnessed in practically every sector of the economy particularly the power sector. Icheoku opined that enemies of Jonathan forced his hand in the firing of then Minister Nnaji who knew what he was doing or at least was trying to do in the power sector. At least he had the proverbial road-map to solving the energy problem in the country but was not allowed and these detractors, not wanting Jonathan to succeed or take credit for improved power supply forced him to fire a man for merely expressing an intent to participate in the deregulation of the power sector? All  the government would have done was to reject Nnaji's application and let him continue with the good job he was doing. But to just fire him for mere attempt than commission of an actual or real offense shows more than is being disclosed. Since then, the few gains made by the erstwhile minister trying to reposition the energy sector has been lost and Nigerians now sees lesser lighted-nights than the people of North Korea. 

In Nnaji's place is a man who is busy "seeing vision and prophesying" instead of articulating the way out of the woods of the comatose power sector. That all the orchestrated strikes and protests of the staff and workers of the Power sector during Nnaji's tenure have suddenly ceased and disappeared shows that Nnaji was targeted by the people profiteering from the decayed status-quo who engineered all those protests and events culminating in his firing.  Anyway, it is what it is - Jonathan's government has failed to deliver power to Nigerians and is practically failing Nigerians in every other sector. But unfortunately, the APC is not providing Nigerians with any viable alternative; otherwise 2015 would have been a landslide victory for the opposition. Not in power, not in security, not in employment, not in country's image abroad, not in tackling corruption, not in anything to do with the improved life of the average Nigerian has the Jonathan government performed creditably well, YET he is desiring a second term and Icheoku asks BASED ON WHAT?

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