Wednesday, April 2, 2014


For all those anti-gun apologists who said "just take guns away from the people and the problem of mass shooting will be solved in America," Icheoku queries would America also take guns away from her soldiers? Guns do not shoot and kill people, people do and this is where the rubber meets the road in the gun debate argument pitching NRA against those pacifists who believe that Americans should lose their 2nd Amendment right just because some loonies among them decide periodically to turn the weapon of defense into a weapon of mayhem. Icheoku, a blue-dog democrat or rather a conservative democrat, believes in the right of the people to own whatever their id desires and is affordable by them including guns, but also that people should act responsibly and be answerable for their actions. 

The problem of people shooting people in America is not new and will not end just because another lunatic shot some people in a Texas military base; it is a way of life and practically speaking, part of the cultural experiment that is America. People have guns, guns kill people and people are going to experiment by putting their guns to test to find out if they actually perform according to merchantability? 

Fort Hood, the largest military installation in the United States, which witnessed a mass killing by a PhD holder military psychologist few years ago, has once again been shot up and four people are dead as a result. Query:-how does anybody prevent against this type of misbehavior in a military setting with a lot of weapons and heavy ammo? 

Taking guns away from people or soldiers is not an option otherwise they will no longer be soldiers - armed and dangerous in defense of the people. Icheoku posits that the solution probably lies in addressing the mind-set that finds nothing wrong in dispatching unsuspecting innocent victims to their makers and without first seeking their consent? There is the issue of mental problem, there is also the issue of choleric anger and there is additionally the issue of human-life that has lost its meaning and has become so much devalued that animals (DOGS) are sometimes valued more than humans? So what does a society reeling under such upheaval do to prevent or rather address the problem? Icheoku says there is no single silver bullet to fire at the problem to make it go away BUT at least people should be geared to relearn their values including LOVING humans once again. 

The American society is a society that for most part, has lost real grounds in love as it is supposed or meant to be. Families are no longer what families used to be and limited resources inhibit proactive measures to nip such acts in the bud, hence the prevalence of these deranged fellas, who have nothing and no one to fall back unto when fighting their demons which force them to act out in this way and leading to such inglorious ends. If icheoku tells you that every day is not a real challenge at living, trying to stay safe, then someone must be lying through the roof. It is stressful, it is intense and it is hair-raising as you never know when another murderous thug will train his scope on you and before you could even find time to plead for your life, it is all over and it does not matter the setting or where you are including sitting inside the church or preaching the gospel in the pulpit or as this latest incident proves, inside a fortified military base. 

Violence especially by gun has become part of the life every person has to accept and live with in America and there is nothing anyone can do about it; not when the National Rifles Association wants to sell as many guns and ammos as they could manufacture and pad the bottom-line. But hey, risk of living commenced the moment your mother pushed you out of her womb and if you cannot deal with it, just find a way to crawl back inside; except that will be tantamount to a camel passing through the eye of a needle - IMPOSSIBLE. So in such a situation where your option is absolutely limited to just one direction, what do you do? You just soldier on until you cannot soldier on anymore. Our sympathies to the families of the Fort Hood killed as well as their killer, whose family equally lost someone and possibly someone who cried for help as s result of his mental ailment which went unanswered. Life is one huge JOKE and it is a fact - here today, gone tomorrow, if not earlier. The ephemerality of life, that is!

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