Monday, March 17, 2014


Once again, another seemingly life of glamour has gone up in smoke, taken by suicide. L'Wren Scott, Mikey Jagger's paramour of over ten years was found dead in her luxury Manhattan apartment on 11th Avenue Chelsea, New York hanging on the doorknob of her apartment. Recall it was just a few weeks ago that Seymour Hoffman similarly took his own life, although his instrument of choice was drug overdose.

One would think because of who she dated and the circle of friends she hung around with and for over a decade, that she had it all until now. One would also think that because of who her boyfriend or rather granddaddy paramour is, and who is worth over $300 million dollars, that Ms Scott was also super rich. BUT no, as she killed herself because of a "paltry" $6 million dollar debt she was too ashamed to let anyone know of and with no way in sight out of it or repaying it.

Icheoku also wonders why the suicide did not take a second mortgage or borrow on her pad or even offload it entirely if that is all it will take to trim her indebtedness and regain her sanity? Why didn't she broach the issue of a bailout or even a soft lover's loan to Mikey Jagger and see if he will throw her a lifeline? May be, she was too afraid such request will spook MJ into dumping her and running to the hills with his fortune. She probably was also too ashamed to step down from her "Olympian" heights; and wondering what will she tell her high-flyer friends that made her lose such a crib, instead decided to continue faking it hoping to make it which sadly never was the case. The rest as they say it is now history. 

What a way to make an exit - fully clothed, made up and ready to go, she summoned her personal assistant to come over. She then tied a scarf at a doorknob, knelt down, put her neck inside and pulled away until she passed out and her weighted-down limp body then completed the task of transporting her out of this planet. Icheoku says while many suicides used drugs, guns and bridges or drowning in a bath-tub like Whitney Houston, Ms Scott decided on handkerchief tied on a doorknob. According to one sympathizer, “Everyone is shocked. She seemed to have her career going well and everyone assumed things were fine between her and Mkey. She was always on a plane. She was always very controlling and had a strong personality.” Icheoku says except that this person failed to advise himself properly that all that glitters is not gold and behind all that facade of glamour, plastic smile and well choreographed make-belief lifestyle lay a troubled soul that was crying out for help which never came until it was too late. Icheoku says most of these people with high visibility are not usually truly happy. They also lack the grit that makes real ordinary people the survivors they are and when faced with trouble, they always make for the quickest exit out - SUICIDE. 

Icheoku says Ms Scott's death has again proved that the rich also cries and that things are not always what they seem to be. Not even her paid-in-full $5.6 million apartment could provide her the much desired succour, security and shelter from the pangs of life and the onerous task that living is? Icheoku reiterates that sometimes life's best blessings come in the form of unanswered prayers. Here was a high flying chic who on the surface had everything any girl would die for - a multi-million dollar New York luxury apartment, access to private jets and helicopters, limousines, vacation spots around the world, diamonds, best restaurants and choice wines and above all the companionship of a world famous rocking roll superstar the incomparable Mikey Jagger of the Rolling Stones fame; although this particular rolling stone gathered some MOSS. That Mikey Jagger is 70 years old and old enough to be Wren's father notwithstanding, many a woman would still die for her place. But did all these make her fulfilled and satisfied? The preacher surmised it all - Vanity upon vanities all is vanity. 

The lesson again here is to cut your coat according to your cloth. If you have not bought a private jet several years after leaving school, don't worry, be happy. If you have not acquired Third mainland bridge just yet, don't worry be happy. If you have not converted all the money in the Central Bank for your private use, don't worry be happy. if you have not bought the entire Maitama DIstrict or Asokoro for yourself and family to live in forever and never die, despite all the shady business deals and looting of public purse, don't worry be happy. Just listen to McFerrin's song and you will have a better understanding and approach to life's struggles; as well as the unwarranted effort people attach to meaningless things that they think is important and will somewhat fulfill them; except however that McFerrin also similarly took his own life and you wonder whether he was just another Pharisee who only talked but failed to walk his talk. 

The secret to happiness is to be content with what you have. Do not be unnecessarily overtly competitive or jealous of other peoples' successes or needlessly try to be the 'IT' all of this world, admitted making reasonable effort is important. This is imperative because no matter how you try, you can never be the end it all of this world. You can only own so much BUT never everything and even Bill Gates still struggles, at least to maintain his grip at the top of the pyramid. Always remember that the today's latest will next year, become an old model and that the Miss Universe of today will become an old hag someday. If you cannot afford it, why buy it? This is life's lesson for you and if only Ms Scott understood that she could have still had a life with a scaled down lifestyle, for example an $800,000 apartment instead, she would still be alive today? This is the only assured way to achieving real true happiness in life - be your own person and don't live for anyone's approval. Life is like driving on a freeway or highway - there will always be people ahead of you and a lot more behind you. Just maintain your own speed and be thankful for what you got; otherwise why kill yourself trying to attain the unattainable? Thankfully you are still here and still have the opportunity to modulate your life as many have gone including now Mikey Jagger's girlfriend, L'Wren Scott. A piece of advise, when next you go to a funeral, remember it is not necessarily for the occupier of the casket, it should always be a coming to term moment with a certain assured end for everyone. Just trade virtual places with the deceased and ask yourself, is it worth it? L'Wren Scott was just 49 years old, RIP.

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