Monday, March 24, 2014


Just asking, is the Northern Nigerian Islamic terrorist group, Boko Haram, winning the war of ideology it is currently waging in Northeastern Nigeria? The answer depends on who you ask or which side of the divide is propagandizing the propaganda; but as far as Icheoku is concerned, it would appear that the government is inadvertently helping the BK in their stated goal of bringing to an end Western-styled education in that part of Nigeria. According to these terrorists, "Western Education is Dangerous", hence their sworn determination to end it, leading to the war of attrition and mayhem being visited on mostly hapless sleeping students of Western education in that region. Recall that no Islamic school or Madrassa or other Islamic themed center for Quoranic studies or their students has ever been attacked, burnt or destroyed throughout the long-running madness of indescribable torture and bloodletting. Icheoku says, now that the Nigerian Government of President Jonathan is closing schools in those affected areas as a means of safeguarding the students-targets of Boko Haram's madness, is the government unwittingly helping the Boko Haram's agenda? 

To date over one hundred schools have been closed in that region in order to help keep students safe BUT in their parents houses; where they have been sent on a long lasting vacation with no end in sight. Query:-if schools indoctrinating and teaching "Western-styled education" to these students are closed, technically ending "Western Education", is that not tantamount to ceding that argument to these terrorists? Have Boko Haram not achieved their objective, albeit through the backdoor by this action of the government? 

Icheoku says closing these schools is not the answer otherwise Boko Haram would have won since their stated objective was to not teach these students Western education? Icheoku believes the proper and right course of action is to heavily secure these institutions of learning and allow these students to continue to study. This will further spite these Muslim raving lunatics and eventually lead to their defeat. Any other recourse in tackling this problem is knee-jerk and laughable as these animals deserves nothing short of fire for fire and total destruction, period. It is a battle of ideologies and it is such case as calls for yea and nay - the good one ought, should and must always triumph. There is no acceptable middle ground between good and evil. If Nigeria does not have enough security operatives to effectively man these schools, let it create an all volunteer corp made up of retired military, custom and police personnel; augmented by other civilians to assist with the effort. Also a new security outfit to solely target terrorism such as Boko Haram could be established, modeled after America's Homeland Security or National Guard, to solely protect the country's institutions of "Western education" learning from terrorism. 

From the saturated unemployed youths in the country, Jonathan could find thousands of youths ready to do the job of safeguarding such institutions of learning in those volatile hotbeds of Northeastern Nigeria. Just give them the training, orientation and weapons needed and Boko Haram will forever become a thing of the past. That way the proverbial killing of two birds with one stone could be replicated, as while reducing the unemployment in the country, the security problem will also be solved. Now if there is no money to pay these jobbers, let the president, members of the National Assembly, the federal cabinet as well State governments take a pay-cut or revenue-cut of about fifteen percent to help pay for this new armed outfit. Zimbabwean government recently slashed salaries of its officials from $500,000 per year to $72,000 per year, so Icheoku shouldn't see why Nigerian officials cannot similarly take a little reduction in pay in the interest of the general welfare. 

The volunteer army will also invariably help relieve the fighting soldiers by policing already recaptured territories and allow them more freedom to hunt and decimate other remaining Boko Haram scoundrels. While the guards is protecting the rear and holding sanitized territories, the regular fighting military force will then be freed to run after these bandits until they completely rout them out of Nigerian Northeast. Just a penny for your thought.

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