Thursday, November 14, 2013


Icheoku says it is really making a mountain out of a molehill the melee generated up there in Toronto Canada just because a man was caught "crack-down". So what if the Mayor smoked crack and what if he smoked something else? As far as Icheoku is concerned the brouhaha over the smoking of crack by the Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, is principally because he smoked a street cheap drug meant for the ghetto dwellers of North America and not the privileged White people. Icheoku says had the Mayor been caught inhaling the Whites' stuff - real snow white (pure angel dust aka cocaine), nobody would be going into the present tizzy that a wealthy white mayor of Toronto was caught crack-in-mouth. But where is the scandal - that he smoked crack and inhaled or did not inhale or denied it - "I did not smoke that thing, CRACK!"

Anyway the mayor is having fun being chased around and now turned into a celebrity by his detractors who are calling for his head or rather his mayoral seat. Icheoku says the real question should be is his job being impacted adversely by his addiction to dirty cheap drug meant for the ghetto-poor crack-heads? Also is it proper to now call or refer to the mayor as crack-head? Usually crack-heads are lean and emaciated but the mayor is robust and fat, begging the question, was the mayor just a casual inhaler or was he binging on food to mask his crack habit signs from ever manifesting? Whatever happens, Toronto would go on with or without Mayor Rob Ford who is now internationally famous or rather infamous for being a bad example of how not to be a public official, depending on which side of the divide you stand. 

Icheoku asks has anybody ever noticed the canny resemblance the cracking-Mayor Rob Ford has with America's talk show host Rush Limbaugh and both men share a lot in common. Both men are fat and huge; they also look like twins; both men are addicted to substances that apparently skew their mind and make them have a different reality than that of most rational; both men are wealthy and white; both men are publicly famous and both men seem to be too full of themselves. Just our thoughts. 

Icheoku will however leave the decision for the people he represents in Toronto to make on what becomes of Mayor Rob Ford; and whether or not he remains in office and/or should eventually face prosecution for his cracking conduct is strictly their prerogative. One other thing, these white people do more drugs than any other group in North America because they can afford it and more stressed out fueling the need for fixes. They are also in charge and in authority and often cover their arses protectively until the wind blows their coverings up for the world to see their hypocritical life under. take for example the disparate laws governing sentencing for crack cocaine and real snow-white cocaine and their discretionary prosecution? But hey today's essay is on a white Mayor of Toronto Canada pretending to be hip by inhaling a street stuff. What a mayor.

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