Friday, November 15, 2013


Anambra State Igbos, Icheoku says "Ugo ebelugo na ngbagbu" (the eagle has perched for shooting) so you must fire without missing - straight right through the heart and shoot down this political adventurism into Igboland. You must nip this invasive incursion right in the bud before it spreads like a plague or wildfire throughout the land. Stand up to be counted to do right by and for Igbo people, knowing fully well that if you fall so would the rest of Igboland. If you are captured, there will not be any other bulwark left in defense of the rest of Igboland and these traducers will just simply roll over the rest of the territory. Please Anambra Igbos do not bring shame to Igbo people, do not sell our birthright to be full Nigerians by the pot of porridge that is Chris Ngige. It will be supremely shameful and a betrayal of no mean magnitude for the pride of Igboland to be handed over to the Yorubas for keeps just because Anambraians were baited by Chris Ngige. It is not done, it should not be done and it MUST NOT be done tomorrow or any other future time, otherwise history will judge you badly as the Igbo state that first betrayed the cause. In tomorrow's election, vote with pride to affirm that Igbos are not second fiddlers in Nigeria and that they have earned the right to be fully recognized as an integral part of the polity and that they are going to continue to remain same and relevant limb of Nigeria going forward. 

Tomorrow's election is not just an election per se but a lot is also at stake. Tomorrow's election is steeped in many symbolism among which is the place of Igboman in Nigeria politics going forward. It would also exfoliate and expose the sheer determination of the Igbo nation to continue to fight the good cause of maintaining their rightful berth in Nigeria and not allow others to subjugate and consume them politically and thereby confine them into political irrelevancy. It will also be a watershed to judge if Igbos have learnt anything on how to play politics and why it matters so much to have a voice in what affects them. Politics is a game based on several divergent interests, some of which goes from the mundane to the parochial and many atimes even defies informed logic and reason. It is not always about who is the most qualified otherwise George Bush would not have defeated Al Gore and John Kerry?  There is more to politics and this is the clarion call Icheoku is growing hoarse trying to send out to our brothers and sisters in Anambra State to read the handwriting on the wall and do the right thing. 

Politics is among other things emotive and sentimental and is not necessarily governed by ration that many times things like religion, color of skin, region, race, tribe and language or even physical looks of the candidate for office play a very dominant role in influencing the outcome of elections. It is the same all over the world and Icheoku does not expect the result of Anambra State governorship election to be determined any differently.This present generation of Anambra Igbos must not lose the fight which Zik fought till his grave yard was ready, which Ojukwu held fort the battle line until he transited, which every gone true Igboman and woman held very sacred and which every presently living Igbo person should hold dear - the fight of superiority of tribe going on between Yorubas and Igbos of Nigeria. No hard feelings just that a lot of EGO is at stake and the Yorubas MUST NOT be allowed to win and take home the trophy. 

There is more to politics than the presumed ability of a particular candidate to get things done. Icheoku emphasis that it will be psychologically very  traumatising and catastrophic for policies of an Igbo government of Anambra State, affecting Igbo people, to be formulated and decided at Idu Agaran Palace in Lagos, Yorubaland. Icheoku does not know about you but says it will completely SUCK indeed to have this happen and pleads for an awakening before it is turns too dark to make amends. Anyone still in doubt why the outcome of tomorrow's election matters, should re-watch the movie 'Devil's Advocate' and see the consequences of having a mentor who is simply too powerful for the mentored. Lagos State Governor Fashola's servitude to Bola Tinubu is a clear indicator of what an Anambra State's Chris Ngige would be to Bola Tinubu and which Anambra State Igboman or woman wants their governor to be bowing to a Yorubaman Bola Tinubu's dictates? That a hefty price will be paid by Ngige for the gift of being made governor is quite obvious and which Anambra State Igbo wants this? Furthermore, it is a truism that like every politician who sweet-coats their campaign promises, that Chris Ngige will not do all that he says he will do for Anambra State first because talk is cheap, the resources might not be available and also party politics might make his Yoruba masters who are desirous of keeping Igbos in check not allow him to carry them through

Please Anambra State Igbos, Icheoku begs you not to wait to find out if this will be true because it would then be too late. Prevention is better than cure, so close that gate on Bola Tinubu before braving the rain to pursue the thieving Bola Tinubu out of your fatherland. Unlike Nike, Icheoku says 'JUST DON'T DO IT.' On November 16, tomorrow, tell Bola Tinubu to take a hike; tell Bola Tinubu that Igbos do not trust him; tell the Yorubas to remain in their neck of the wood of Nigeria; tell the Bola Tinubu APC to respect the legacy of Zik, Ojukwu and all other Igbo  loving sons and daughters who strove over the many years gone by to keep Igbo peoples' head above the water in Nigerian politics; tell Bola Tinubu that boundaries matters and that he gotta respect the Igbo's; tell Bola Tinubu that to each his own and that Igbos tend to keep Anambra State safe from his greedy covetous quest; simply stated, tell Bola Tinubu 'NOT THIS TIME.' When you wake up and it is a tomorrow come, VOTE with the understanding that every politics is local and making sure that Anambra State is not handed over to Bola Tinubu or an Igbo state to the Yorubas. Icheoku reiterates that we do not hate them, but we are competitors and we do not have to be the ones to lose. DO NOT VOTE FOR NGIGE.

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