Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Icheoku says he severally held concerts for Obama in 2008 and 2012 but disappeared soon thereafter without ever following through on the many promises made by Barack Obama to make sure they were fulfilled. Black people are being murdered and killed throughout America including the barreling out of control Chicago but there is no JayZ in sight staging concerts in Chicago and pleading with black people to please stop killing themselves or starting a peace foundation to help improve their life situation to make them to stop killing one another. This pandering must stop and black people must stop being had for so cheap and for so low.

Icheoku says it is about time black people rejected all these fair weather black causes propagandists, including those in music and movies, who are using black people to further their own personal causes. Suddenly it is election season again and JayZ and crew are about and again trying to bamboozle black people to vote as told. What is he bringing to the table, mere concert and you wonder if this is all it takes to woo black people or secure their votes. Icheoku says even cheap whores will not settle for this pittance - just a concert; and you ask yourself is it just mere concert that it takes to win black peoples votes? Regardless, American people including black people are tired of being told what to do or being led like a lamb to the slaughter, especially during election seasons when they are remembered. 

This election 2016, black people should matter as they declare their independence and vote their conscience and vote for the man who has committed to improving their lots. Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton has had the opportunity in the past  to help black people but never a thing did for African Americans and it will not change now. So to hell with all these users who will forget everyone as soon as the party is over; they should just go away, disappear. African Americans can make up their own minds and not to be dictated to on who to vote for as they are not beholden to anyone. Plantation days are since over and there is no Madam or Queen of the plantation to be forcibly queued behind. Vote Trump.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Icheoku says first she is not Bill Clinton and does not possess the 'tingling down my legs' if factor. Women are not moved by her and neither do men have any effect indulging their fantasies about her. She is not the most attractive woman on the block and on a scale of 10, is probably a three and half, depending on which American male is asked. Her oratorical skills is equally traumatizing to the ears and what passes as a shrieking guttural voice is more of a turn off than an invitation to treat. She is short, dower, drab and unappealing to the point of not making people swooning with interest. She is not the lets go hang out with her king of pal, anyone would wish for and then add her known penchant for always feeling being better than everyone else which is a big turn off to many.

Further her utterances over the many years, her double speaking faced Janus personality is a great discomfiture for many black people. Now she has stolen more than any serving public servant including stealing million times more than even the black people who are currently serving prison terms for as little as stealing a $5 gallon of milk to feed their children under the three strikes law. The Crime Reform Bill signed into law by her husband Bill Clinton is still haunting so many black families whose lives have been directly or indirectly impacted by it, with over 1.3 million of black people serving long prison sentences as a result. This is a woman who called black American males Super Predator and Bernie Sanders confirmed to the world that the term is racist term, which makes the bitchy bimbo a racist hater of black people. 

Icheoku says black Americans watched in horror as Hillary Clinton nearly derailed Barack Obama's election victory last 2008 and many of them are still seething with anger, recalling vividly as she shouted 'Barack Obama, shame on you." That she was cajoled and begged and begged before she eventually came around to accept Obama's primaries victory was also a count against her. That she was instrumental to sending out an unflattering Muslim garbed Obama picture and not answering directly if she believed that Obama is not a Muslim also riles black people. Further Hillary Clinton has been in government since 1968 without ever championing the cause of black people, her latest survival mode pretentiousness of love for black people, notwithstanding. It is also on record that Hillary Clinton laughed for murdering African King Moummar Gaddafi with her infamous statement still reverberating throughout African communities both her in America and in motherland Africa. Her "we came, we saw and he died", outburst and her very ethereal guttural guffaw still rings like a nightmare on Elm Street nightmare come alive in the heads of African people. 

Hillary Clinton purposely mislead Obama by falsely claiming that Boko Haram was mere Northern Nigerian youths protesting the North's marginalization by a Christian Southern president and this nearly led to the loss of the country to those murderous islamist terrorists. Her wrong analysis of the terrorism situation in Nigeria was followed by her engineered refusal of America to sell weapons to Nigeria with which to fight Boko Haram. This led to the slaughter of over 25,000 Nigerians by Boko Haram muslim terrorist which left a very sour taste in Nigerians mouth. As if she has not done enough already to express her dislike for black people, this modern day Jezebel rejected the strong recommendation of a very high up African American  to choose black Senator Cory Booker as her running mate, but instead preferred one of her fellow Caucasians, the hillbilly from Virginia, Tim Kaine. So why any black person would vote for this woman is beyond Icheoku and that Barack Obama is campaigning for her election and canvassing for black votes for her is equally beyond any black person's imagination. 

Obama, Icheoku says why haven't you asked Hillary Clinton to retract that statement that black American males are Super Predators and put down a guarantee in writing that she will recompense for the millions of lives destroyed by that infamous Crime Bill Law which was championed by her and signed into law by her husband. What plans does she actually have for black Americans and would she allow her husband to accept the paternity of the black son he sired with a black prostitute if a DNA test proves he is the father. Anyway, millions of black Americans are horn mad that another Clinton is asking for their votes and even madder that Barack Obama is carrying her on his shoulders, wooing black Americans votes on her behalf. Icheoku says Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton and cannot talk herself out of the current quagmire she finds herself in concerning African American votes. But hey, what exactly did black Americans get for their support of Obama, talkless of the same Obama now asking them to expect from Hillary Clinton what he himself could not deliver. Query, if Obama who is supposedly black could not deliver for black people, who then buys into the cacamania that Hillary Clinton, who does not like black people, would deliver for black people. Icheoku says no black person would sweat it, going out of their way to vote for the Crooked One, Ms Nasty Hillary Clinton. 



ICHEOKU says on Tuesday November 8, vote alongside American people for Donald John Trump and help reposition America and help Make America Great Again.

Thursday, November 3, 2016



Icheoku says America should listen to President Barack Obama and reject the Crooked One. She morphs into different personas just like the serpent she is. Simply put, very untrustworthy and too crooked for America.



On Tuesday November 8, Vote to elect the mn who will truly fight for America and also win for America. Vote Donald John Trump and help him Make America Great Again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Icheoku says and let him go to work for you, being the best cheerleader America could have. Talk never a person killed; so lets judge a man by what a man could do but not dismiss him for what he allegedly said. On November 8, vote for a man full of energy and passion to revamp and revitalize America and Make America Great Again. Vote Donald John Trump president.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Icheoku says impetuous blind loyalty to the female gender and unabashed ultra sexism is the only thing seriously driving the current get Hillary Clinton elected dizzying effort. This gender war has forced every other thing reasonable out the window and to the back; it seems now that the end justifies the means is their newly adopted mantra. It does not matter to these possessed feminists of America and their minions anymore that Hillary Clinton has questionable character and very pitiful morality. It is also very disappointing that not even her criminal misbehavior including being under investigation is enough to deter this fervent support.  

These fanatical supporters do not want to hear of her many sins of corruption and crookedness either; and some of them have also gone on record to say that what she did might even be a driving force behind her election as that would ginger them up to troop out to vote for her but not the other way round. Suddenly, these Americans no longer mind whether their presidential candidate is a thief or a rogue or a compound criminal. All that they care for is that a female is running for president and that they want to see a woman president in the White House. Trying to win an argument of reason against these brand of feisty feminists is of no use because as far as they are concerned this is an opportunity that they cannot allow to go to waste. Icheoku appreciates their excitement over such a novelty, but says of all the millions of well qualified and over achieving women of America, why is it such a heavily flawed and irreparably damaged candidate that American women could settle for? 

That such an endemically corrupt and crooked woman is being presented to America as the woman candidate for American presidency leaves much to be desired. It certainly leaves a very sour taste in the mouth, that the worse of the worst is what American women are presenting as their choice first female presidential candidate. Icheoku says many American males would have bought into the idea of a female president but not this very particular candidate; there is nothing exciting about her and paraphrasing Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton is not the one, America. Her character, morals and lengthy record of crookedness does not excite any passion in many Americans who faced with her choice, would rather pass and will have nothing to do with her, irrespective of her gender novelty. Icheoku says what an opportunity lost as Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton is the most despised American woman walking the earth in America and therefor unacceptable and will neither be voted for nor elected president of the United States of America. 


VOTE FOR TRUMP, HE LOVES AMERICAIcheoku says still wondering why Donald Trump is mad at the downward spiral of things in America, read Matthew 21:12-13; it is called having a skin in the game and trying to prevent a collapse of what one truly and patriotically believes and is fully invested in. On November 8, Vote for America's champion in chief, VOTE DONALD JOHN TRUMP for president. He gets it and he will deliver for Americans as well as for Christians throughout the world. Salute.

Monday, October 31, 2016


Icheoku says hell has no fury like a woman scorned, except that this time, it is rather a man that is scorned by a wife who walked away from him to go be with a woman, her lesbian lover. Now it is a payback time for the heartbroken Anthony Weiner and having smelled blood in the water, might demand for his pound of flesh. What that King's ransom will be no one knows, but until he reaches a deal with the FBI, your guess is as good any other's. 

When the Clintons thought that they have covered all their bases, butts and tracks, including deleting and bleach-washing 33,000 emails; destroying 13 gadgets, some of them with a sledge hammer; now their worst nightmare has surfaced in a newly discovered computer which Anthony Weiner shared with his former wife Huma Abedi. Like a nightmare come alive, those deleted emails might still be lurking around, somewhere among the over 650,000 emails recovered or rather found in Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedi's computer. Icheoku says in the tangled web of American politics as spear-headed by the Clinton Crime Family, things are apparently getting uglier and out of control for the woman who had hoped to sneak into the White House despite all the odds against her presidential bid. 

Icheoku says it is also completely unimaginable that amongst the 650,000 newly discovered emails that there will not be some communications found therein which are classified and which were not supposed to be so mishandled. All it will take is just one such email and it is game over for a Hillary Clinton campaign which has been rather cunning at best and elusive too. Whatever happens, Icheoku alongside millions of other Americans will be excitedly waiting to see how this latest development is concluded. 

No matter what happens, Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton has herself to blame because had she released all her emails and not tampered with 33,000 of them, possibly all these email questions would have since been rested or left alone. But she thought she could outsmart 350 million Americans by not coming forth and leveling with Americans over these State Department emails; pretending or rather lying bold-facedly about having produced and turned over all her work related emails. Americans have since discovered that she lied and lied and lied and the fallout will linger through and up to the Election Day November 8 and beyond. What an election year it has been, more complicated and more exhilarating than ever, albeit with developments never imaginable in a presidential election. But will Weiner sing?

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Icheoku says why do we teach our children candor and the need to always tell the truth if this anomaly of a Hillary Clinton is allowed to proceed to the presidency of America despite all the lies and associated untruthfulness known about her? That she conducted many criminal activities and engaged in acts unbecoming of a statesman or rather stateswoman, using her office as Secretary of State to enrich herself and family, is also glaringly clear. Therefore why should America approve such misbehavior by supporting such a crooked and corrupt woman for the presidency of the country? Such a reprehensible behavior ought not be tolerated and should rather be punished in order to register displeasure and warn against its possible future repeat occurrence. Icheoku therefore takes great umbrage that some feminists are still campaigning for Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton, despite what is known about her, mouthing off 'vote for her because she is a female' and in order for them to have the first female president of America? Icheoku says really and since when has vagina become a requisite for the presidency of America; and assuming for the heck of it, that the novelty of the proposition sounds lofty, why this very irredeemably damaged and heavily flawed woman? She cannot be the best American women could offer to represent them. 

Icheoku has nothing against a female president for America as so many other countries have similarly had female presidents who performed creditably well too. Israel once had Goldie Meir; Britain once had Margret Thatcher; Germany still have their Angela Merkel; Liberia have their Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as well as so many other countries; hence it wont be out of the ordinary if America also produced a president who is a female. There is nothing wrong with having a female president or a president who is a female in America, only that genitalia alone should not command such a suffocating influence in this election or any other one for that matter. It should therefore not become the sole qualifying factor or reason to vote for a president, particularly one named Hillary Clinton, all her antecedents considered. Icheoku says Hillary Clinton is so flawed and irredeemably damaged, that if electing her president will amount to collusion and condonation of evil, American people would rather have another female elected president whom every American can proudly call their president. But this Hillary Clinton is something else and is not who any right thinking American would want to see foist on the country as president. 

The other strong argument going against her presidency, is that a bewildered world is waiting and watching and wondering why America, the beacon of anti-corruption and the last hope for mankind, is suddenly pushing for the election of a person who is everything crooked and corrupt. Making this mortal mistake of a Hillary Clinton's presidency, will be inviting lamentations and sorrows down the road as her conduct suggests that she will pony everything America in her pay to play characteristics. Icheoku hopes that American people will do right and vote right in order to correct the mistakes of the past and to enable the draining of the swamp called Washington to begin. Mere words uttered in private circumstances should not be the controlling factor in determining who to vote for in this election; actions and propensity to be corrupt should. The question should be and remain, who among the candidates can do the job? Who has the love for country, the passion, the strength, the enthusiasm and the energy to get what needs to be done, done? Only one candidate possess these characteristics and that candidate is Donald John Trump. 

We cannot because a fireman has a foul mouth refuse him from fighting our house fire since his job or ability to do his job is not otherwise impacted by his foul mouth. One candidate has been in government for over thirty years and is part of the decay in Washington and if she could do the job, would have since delivered. The other candidate has never been in government and regardless of what the media has made him out to be, including a bogey man and two horned monster American people should run away from, he has never soiled his hand with government corruption and as an outsider, still stands a better chance of moving the ball of America forward. With Hillary Clinton, what American people will get is already known - more of the same; so it will be a winning formula to try something new and refreshingly. There is greater probability that something good might come out of the new guy on the block, afterall America is a country of hope and it is always better to start off being hopeful than being despondent. Lastly, in a country of various  genders, including trans-genders, hermaphrodites,  genderless and males, it is not right nor proper to vote for a candidate simply because she represents only one gender and would bring joy of being the first to only one gender. America, lets elect a president for all the genders; a president who can go to work for us; a president who loves America and who will be a great champion and chief cheerleader of America; a president for every American. Vote Donald John Trump.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Icheoku says as with every job seeker, there is something called resume and testimonial which usually attests to the applicant's qualification and fitness for the job. The American presidency is a job of the first instance, therefore, any candidate/applicant for the office must in addition to having necessary qualifications, be seen to possess of the necessary character and testimonial to back the qualification up. Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton is applying for the job, but unfortunately, her testimonials from highly placed Americans, does not suggest that she is a proper and right fit for the job.  Therefore American people must think twice and again before deciding to sign off with her hire. 

It would be a great disservice for the American hiring public not to first listen to what many  eminent Americans have to say about Crooked Hillary Clinton before pulling the lever for her this November 8. These are her testimonials and they speak volume about her unsuitability for the  office of president of the United States of America. Admitted that her choreographers and minders, aided by a crooked and corrupt media which is heavily invested in her presidency, would otherwise want American voting public to believe differently, albeit dishonestly. These references are from people who know her up close and personal, both privately and officially, and people who are in very close affinity and proximity to her. They earned their credentials as Hillary Clinton's insiders and if anybody knows Hillary Clinton well enough, these people absolutely so qualify as those people. All of them cannot be absolutely wrong about their judgment of her, nor could they all have conspired against her in order to frustrate her run for the office. 

First on the list is Colin Powell, a four star general, a former Secretary of State and also a former National Security Adviser, who previously strongly disavowed Hillary Clinton as not fit for the presidency of the United States of America. According to General Powell and in his own words, "Hillary Rodham Clinton comes across as sleazy. Everything she touches she kind of screws up. She has unbridled ambition. She is greedy. She is not transformational. I would rather not vote for her." Icheoku says why any voting American would still vote for Hillary Clinton after such a Colin Powell admonition would indeed be surprising. Which American wants America to be screwed up by Hillary Clinton? Then enter the President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama who similarly called out Hillary Clinton as not fit for office. In his own words, President Obama said concerning Hillary Clinton, "Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president; she will simply say and do anything to get elected." This possibly explains her dual personality traits - one which she parades for the public and the other one which is uses in private, before her sponsors. Her prevarications and art of speaking in bifurcated tongues is legendary, which sees her always contradicting and reversing herself on literary every policy issue, depending on the audience she is taking to. 

Following so closely behind the president in the list of these people who know Hillary Clinton better is the president's wife and First Lady of America, Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama has had instances to share her viewpoint and give her opinion about Hillary Clinton. in one of such instance, Michelle Obama said of Hillary Clinton and in her own words, "Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president because if she cannot manage her home she cannot manage the White House" and therefore should not be allowed anywhere near the White House as president. Icheoku urges American people to listen to Michelle Obama and keep Hillary Clinton away from the White House to avoid her running it aground in the same way she ran her husband Bill Clinton's life.

Bill Clinton also sits atop of the list of persons who are so close to Hillary Clinton to know her better than anyone else as a husband would know. Bill Clinton sees her unrehearsed and unguarded and therefore knows the real her as opposed to the stage-crafted Hillary people see in public. Bill Clinton once denied being part of the 33,000 deleted and bleach-washed emails which Hillary claimed were generated between her and Bill. Denying his complicity, Bill said that he has only written emails twice in his life time and could not have been part of the email saga. Bill Clinton also told America people regarding Hillary Clinton's health that "Hillary Clinton faints and swoons all the time and on so many occasions - she faints all the time." Icheoku says this definitely begs the question, what exactly is wrong with her brain that causes this fainting bouts. 

Following closely behind Bill Clinton is the lady who is rumored to be everything to Hillary Clinton including being her lesbian lover as well as her most trusted confidant and consigliere, Human Abedi. According to Huma Abedi, "Hillary Clinton is not right in the head." So how far-reaching are these two observations by Bill Clinton and Human Abedi into unraveling the state of affairs of Hillary Clinton's brain health? Is it possible that they have unwittingly revealed that some neurons are not firing right in Hillary Clinton's brain? If yes, how will that effect her running the country in the unfortunate event she is successfully imposed on America by the invisible forces holding America hostage. If she faints all the time according to her husband; and her closest woman alive says she is not right upstairs, shouldn't be a source of grave concern for the American voting public and force them to have a second thought about casting their votes for her? Is this risk worth taking and why even contemplate taking it when it is otherwise avoidable and with a clear alternative we can vote for to bring the much desired change we can use. 

Icheoku says another person who knows Hillary Clinton very well is the man who is currently leading the charge to elect her president, her campaign manager, John Podesta. Podesta  served in Hillary Clinton's husband's administration and also served alongside Hillary Clinton in Obama's administration as Chief of Staff while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Therefore having observed Hillary Clinton in close quarters both as First Lady and later as Secretary of State, John Podesta, who now heads her campaign should be considered as one heck of an expert in deciphering Hillary Clinton. Podesta has been around Hillary Clinton long enough to qualify as an expert in her character trait and personality disorder if any. John Podesta said of Hillary Clinton, "Hillary Clinton's instinct is very bad."  Query, if her instinct is very bad, how does she plan to react to the always fluidly developing circumstances around the office of the presidency, both home and abroad? What if this her Achilles heels, which saw her not act decisively in Benghazi and which saw to the murder of African King Moummar Gaddafi, continue to hound her throughout her presidency? Is this a risk worth taking, especially when there is an alternative, admitted he is not a Father Thomas nor an alter boy; but at least he has good judgment and instincts.

The last but not the least in this crop of few individuals with very close insight into Hillary Clinton's mind and personality is her fellow contestant in the last Democratic Party primaries. Bernie Sanders, who ran against her during the Democratic Party's primaries but was rigged out of contention also shared his views about Hillary Clinton. According to Bernie Sanders, "Hillary Clinton has a very bad judgment.'

Now you have her sleaze, screw up, lack of trust, too ambitious, greedy, instinct, brain trouble, fainting fits, judgment etc being called into question by different people and severally. Americans, you have now heard it from the proverbial horses mouth, the seven closest people to Hillary Clinton, people who know and should know Crooked Hillary Clinton better and more than any other one else. These people are her friends, family, boss, colleague and advisers and are therefore have no motive to disparage or try to discredit her. They are simply put, the x-ray and the window into the world of Hillary Clinton and Americans have no choice but to believe them when they say stuff about Hillary Clinton because they have no reason to lie about her. Therefore it is safe to assume that American people now know the candidate, Hillary Clinton, who is seeking their votes for the presidency of the country. They should therefore decide whether a person with such her character traits as described here is the type of president they want to have running their affairs as well as that of their children.

That Hillary Clinton claims "Stronger Together" but turns out discriminating against many Americans is another story all together. Such sloganeering therefore falls flat in the face of the numerous baskets she weaved for different categories of Americans wherein she compartmentalized millions of Americans. According to Hillary Clinton, half of Donald trump's supporters are a basket of deplorables; then there is a basket of basement dwellers for Bernie Sanders supporters; another basket of super predators for black American males; then another basket of Catholics and Evangelicals for christians standing in the way for total homosexuality of America including gay marriage and gay adoption; as well as a basket of fucking dumb young people who are hopelessly optimistic in the milk and honey headed their way. This categorization would have been very impossible to believe as a truism, except that she personally admitted that she has two faces, a female Janus sort of; with one face for the public and another face for her private dealings. In other words, her "Stronger Together" excludes members of these various baskets and you wonder how together is the stronger without millions of these basket-case Americans? How exactly does she plan to govern should the accident of her presidency become a reality? Anyway, Icheoku says please Americans, do not hire this woman for the presidency of America because she is unfit, lacks judgment, has bad instinct and her greed and ambition for power will be bad fr America. Vote the alternative, Vote Trump.

Friday, October 28, 2016



Icheoku says whatever you do, whatever may be your fears and reservations against Donald Trump, think twice before voting for Crooked Hillary Clinton. She does not give a damn, never did and brings nothing new nor any fresh ideas towards fixing all that is broken with America. 

If she could, her over 38 years involvement in politics would have since enabled her. But she lacks the midas touch as well as clear thinking to make it happen. America, lets put politics of fear aside or vote for me because the other guy is more dangerous; and give Donald Trump a chance to make America great again. Donald Trump is not your bogey man nor the monster they are making him out to be; he is just a rookie politician not yet fully seasoned in politically correct speaking. He will burnish off whatever shortcomings in speaking he may have during this presidency.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


"We have been somewhat disappointed. People felt that having someone who is Jamaican (by descent) in such a critical place in the US government (Secretary of State and National Security Adviser) was bound to be a plus because you could call upon that ancestry to benefit the region, but it never happened."Rupert Lewis, professor at the University of the West Indies in Kingston Jamaica. 

Icheoku says now you know why Colin Powell's sudden advocacy of blackness and acting as champion of black people sounds hollow.  His endorsement of Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton and urging black people to line up behind her in this election 2016 will also not a soul move among black communities of America.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Icheoku says Colin Powell has yet to explain to black Americans and all other American people who bought into his endorsement of Barack Obama, how their vote for him as he recommended has translated into any beneficial outcome. Yes, many Americans respect the retired general and yes, many possibly were persuaded by his endorsement of Obama to vote for Obama. But eight years after, the same Colin Powell has not enumerated the benefits of that his endorsement to the people who were persuaded to so vote, yet here he is again asking Americans to vote for Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton. Icheoku says exactly what is wrong with Washington as you ask yourself if Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton was all that Colin Powell described her to be in his leaked emails, why then suffer whatever reputation he has left, recommending the same heavily flawed and greedy person for the office of the president of the United States of America? Icheoku says simply put, Washington entrenched interests are just ganging up against the rest of us, American people. 

Icheoku says was it possible that General Powell, a Republican, did what he did for Obama against both Republicans John McCain and Mitt Romney simply because he has hidden racial bias against White people?  Was he simply too anxious to see a black man in the White House that he sidestepped party loyalty on the two occasions to endorse a Democrat instead of his Republican Party's candidates? But his then endorsement considered, what exactly has the black community both here in America, the Caribbean and motherland Africa benefited for having a black President Obama in the White House? What was it that Colin Powell bequeathed black people by asking them to elect a black President to occupy the White House? Now the same Colin Powell is thrusting himself in the center of this 2016 election, possibly as the man who knows what is in the best interest of black people by saying that Trump cannot win black votes and simultaneously endorsing Hillary Clinton. Icheoku says what about even the black president who won black votes with the help of Colin Powell? How did his presidency benefit black people specifically? Icheoku says until Colin Powell tells the world of black people what these past benefits for voting a black president were, no black person will listen to him; not this time around concerning who they should vote in this election 2016. Possibly he is angry at some unfinished business with some people and is now popping up to say whatever will position him, in the event the establishment entrenched forces succeed. 

Anyway, Icheoku is not surprised that Colin Powell endorsed another Democratic Party candidate instead of his supposedly party's candidate. It is his pattern of behavior as John McCain and Mitt Romney similarly found out; which rightly earned him and some other wayward Republicans the moniker RINO - republican in name only. That he attacked Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump as being a 'national disgrace' is not surprising either. All the entrenched interests of both parties are wary and anxious of what a President Donald Trump will do to their crookedness and corruption in Washington. So it is understandable that they will not go without a fight and will also do whatever is possible to try to stop him. Icheoku says Donald Trump should even feel greatly honored that even Colin Powell is afraid of his presidency; and if he could ditch a fellow military man Republican John McCain, who is Donald Trump? Mitt Romney suffered similar snub from Colin Powell and you wonder what actually makes Colin Powell a republican. Possibly, he is a republican who does not see anything good in any Republican candidate since Bush Jr, so it is really no big deal that he yet again threw another Republican Party candidate Donald Trump. under the bus. Were it in an enforced association, Colin Powell should by now have been suspended or fired from the Republican Party because there is nothing republican in him, not at all. 

What should surprise most watchers and observers alike is his endorse of Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton, after all the damaging and disparaging things he said about her character flaws in his leaked emails. A woman he described in the most unflattering language and words ever and now going back to his vomit to endorse her? This is a woman Colin Powell talked so badly about in her back and you wonder any man or person for that matter, who will so speak ill of another person in the privacy of his space and/or email is anything but a mean and conniving girlie-man, irrespective of his military background. It is called gossip and real men do not gossip; a matter made worse because he called her his friend. Icheoku says why pretend to like someone when you don't telly do; only to go at her back and drive the Brutus dagger right into her. What Colin Powell said against Hillary Clinton falls into the ambit of back-stabbing gossip, talking about her at her back while publicly pretending that he admires her. This is a man who said Hillary Clinton is too old and sick and that his friend told him she could not climb a stage at an event; an information which was confidentially shared with him by a New Hampshire congressman and which he could not keep as confided. Icheoku says Colin Powell was engaging in petty gossips which is common among women; men don't gossip and real men keep confidences.  

Speaking about Colin Powell's sudden surge of blackness, saying that "Trump does not care about us black people", Icheoku queries how much did Colin Powell care about black people when he was in government? When he served GW Bush administration as both Secretary of State and National Security Adviser, what exactly did he do for the "us" black people that he was crowned the King of black people in politics? At what point in his sunset years did he realize that black people of America needs a champion and that he is "The One", the designated champion? When did his epiphany take place and suddenly there is now in his lexicon the "us" and the "them" narrative which he never expressed when he was serving in the Bush administration. The irony of his attack on Donald Trump is that Donald Trump never a thing did to black people compared to the Crooked One who called black Americans "Super Predators" but Colin Powell chose to remain deaf or silent to that reprehensible tagging. That Haiti is in ruins and that Colin Powell never a thing said is equally telling about his championship of black people's causes and his roots is in the Caribbean.

His leaked emails seems to show that Colin Powell lashed out at people because of personal axes he had to grind with them rather than the holistic assessment of current events in the country which he would rather we believe was his motive. Imagine he lamented that he missed a speaking gig because Crooked Hillary Clinton struck first and raided the University's coffers without leaving anything for him to collect afterwards. In his own words, Colin Powell said, "Everything Hillary Rodham Clinton touches she kind of screws up with hubris. I told you about the gig I lost at a University because she so overcharged them they came under heat and couldn't pay any fees for a while. I should send her a bill. Hillary Rodham Clinton comes across as sleazy. She has unbridled ambition. She is greedy. She is not transformational. I would rather not vote for her." Yet, Colin Powell swallowed all his vomit to now want to vote for Hillary Clinton and you wonder where is his honor, if any is still left in him? Query, had Hillary Clinton not completely gouged the university and left some money for Colin Powell to collect later, would Colin Powell have made such a disparaging statement about her? Does it now mean that Colin Powell does not mind Hillary Clinton touching and screwing up America since everything she touches she screws up? Icheoku disagrees too that only poor white folks are Donald Trump's supporters as it transcends every community in America who are tired of the statues-quo and honestly desires change. Icheoku is neither white nor poor and is an avid supporter of Donald Trump, so likewise millions of other fantastic members of Team MAGA, deplorable or not, who are desirous of problem solving and properly redirecting and repositioning America. 

How honorable is actually a man who will be discussing silly nothingness about a would have been chance meeting with Hillary Clinton at a donor's home but dodged her to avoid saying hello; or gossiping about Bill Clinton "dicking" some chics in their Chappaqua family home when Hillary is away? Is it possible that Colin Powell is jealous of the Clintons and is suffering a dog in the manger complex around them? Just hear him speaking ill about Hillary Clinton: "After speaking at the UN and doing that crummy press conference she flew to San Francisco to go to a paid gig for Ebay and then to Marc' house for a money dinner for the Clinton Foundation. I was in the same Marc's house but dodged her to avoid saying hello. She will turn 70 in her first year in office." Icheoku says why all these needless little gossipy details from a man supposedly decent and honorable. Must Colin Powell repeat that it was a fund raising dinner that took place at Marc's house; except that he did not tell Americans what himself was doing at Marc's house, may be getting a gig too that was paid for? Look at him boasting about endorsing Obama in 2008 and 2012 as if his endorsement won it for Obama? In his words, "Gotta pick the time and place for (Hillary Clinton's endorsement) the most effect strike. It is what I did in 2008 and 2012. Hillary has not been covering herself with glory. For good reason she comes across as sleazy." Colin Powell calling someone he allegedly respects sleazy is very unflattering indeed. He also called Hillary Clinton's minders "minions"; gloated that "she is being crucified" too. So October 25th, two weeks to the election, is now the fabled time? 

Icheoku says his leaked emails shows a self absorbed man who engages in self praise - being totally different from Hilary Clinton and using such words as "the differences are profound. She and her staff refused to cooperate. She had a State department guy taking care of the system and she was also paying him for it and he was an old campaign worker. Unbelievable." Continuing, Colin Powell said, "Surprise, surprise. I sat next to Stephen Harper a couple of time and had discussion. Bohemia Grove attendees dissed Trump and many will not vote for him." Icheoku says would any Bohemia Grove member ever want Colin Powell to sit near him or discuss any confidential thing with him again knowing that he is going to blab about it in an email with some other friend? Icheoku says how else can anyone describe a man who cannot keep shared confidences other than a kiss and tell gossipy person. Yet he just endorsed Hillary Clinton and you wonder how weighty this endorsement is and whether Hillary and Bill Clinton would accord it any importance at all. Not transformational? Greedy? Sleazy? Unbridled ambition? Yet, he will now vote for all these bad stuff? Interesting; it is either Colin Powell's judgment is as bad as Crooked Hillary Clinton's or he lacks credibility.

Icheoku says Colin Powell will be forced to eat his words again when on November 8, a greater percentage of black people will break for Donald Trump and together with other mentally freed Americans of all shades vote to elect Donald Trump president of the United States of America, his endorsement of the Crooked One not withstanding. Donald Trump  has said enough to show that he cares and will do something about the situation of inner city black people to sway a lot of folks. Icheoku says after watching Colin Powell, one begins to wonder who between him and Donald Trump is actually the racist here? A divider in chief Colin Powell saying "There is nothing Donald Trump can say that will sway black voters, so he might as well say it to white people." As far as Colin Powell is concerned it is about "we' and them" America; yet he served as Secretary of State of America as well as her National Security Adviser? Simply put, some things don't change and will never change including prejudices being exhibited by a man who has been favored to serve America in various capacities. But for his lap dog position to the Bush family, trying to side with a family still feeling sour about their disgraced JEB, Icheoku could not fathom any other explanation for Colin Powell's endorsing Hillary Clinton after all he said about her and then taking an issue with Donald Trump who did not do him any wrong. At least Donald Trump is sincere and speaks him mind and is not faking his professed love for black people, including his pledge to reposition their inner city situation in America. Icheoku says Colin Powell lost Icheoku with this endorsement as it defeats every logic and common sense.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Icheoku says the Queen of Talk Show lost so many admirers this time when she looked American people in the eyes and told them to marry a spouse who they don't like, cannot stand nor tolerate. That American people are still recovering from "THE ONE' who she recommended for them to vote for in 2008 is a fact, all the disappointments of the last seven years plus considered. Many people who trusted Oprah then and acted on her persuasion, are now beginning to question her judgment. Many are wondering too whether Oprah has been infected by  Hillary Clinton's bad judgment virus and would likely pass this time her latest endorsement no endorsement of the Nasty One Hillary Clinton. Icheoku says anyone who marries a person who is repulsive and makes the person want to peuk did not marry a spouse one can be with and should therefore never have married that person. American people are yet to make that choice and luckily enough they have ample time to back out from Nastiness and Crookedness and sure, they will back out come November 8. How can any sane person vote or advise another to vote for someone he or she does not like; and how would the person stomach the sight of such a person on television for the next four years? 

According to Oprah's illogical logic, Crooked Hillary Clinton is not coming over to our house and we don't have to like her to vote for her, we should just vote for her. In her own words, she said: "Hillary Clinton is not coming over to your house, you don't have to like her, Do you like this country? You better get out there an vote. Do you like freedom and liberty? Do you like democracy or demagogue? Ok, there you go." In response, Icheoku says the White House is American people's house, so any elected president automatically have entered or rather trusted him or herself into our house by entering the White House. The president will constantly be on television and will be reaching into our houses and homes even without any other of our invitation. Therefore what exactly does Oprah Winfrey mean when she said that Ms Nasty Hillary Clinton will not be coming over to our house when she is already occupying it, assuming the unfortunate event of her election becomes a reality. Why should we elect someone who is not a sight for our sore eyes and how does Oprah expect us to get relief from looking at her on television as our elected president? 

Icheoku says hell yes we like our country, the reason we are taking it back from all those globalist including Crooked Hillary Clinton who wants to throw open the boarders and destroy every vestiges of America. Of course yes, we like freedom and liberty, the reason why we are voting Trump to defend our freedom and liberty from those globalists who are sponsoring Hillary Clinton, a woman who wants to trample on American peoples 2nd Amendment right as well as curtail their 1st Amendment right too. Of course yes, we like democracy, the reason we are voting to protest the shafting of Bernie Sanders, who Hillary Clinton's operatives helped rig out during the Democratic Party primaries. Icheoku says Oprah Winfrey was definitely not firing on all her cylinders when she made the statement because they do not add up. Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton is the exact antithesis of everything Oprah preached and advocated as reason for voting in this election. America's freedom is on the ballot; America's democracy is on the ballot; America's liberty in on the ballot; America's homeland being invaded by illegal immigrants and which is under threat of globalists imminent hostile takeover, is on the ballot. American people know where Crooked Hilary Clinton stands on all these issues and thanks to WikiLeaks, her anti-America disposition is now an open secret. Hillary Clinton is the reason we are voting in this election, to stop her madness and greed.

Icheoku says to Oprah Winfrey that love and admiration is 99.9% of the reason why people vote for a particular candidate. This is the reason American presidents have always come from the highly photogenic tall class of individuals and this 2016 will not be an exception, especially not with an old grandma who barely scaled through the five feet tall marker. Icheoku says why should this year be any different from past decades of American people voting only those candidates they would like to go on a date with; from Gerald Ford to Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan to Bush Sr to Bill Clinton to Bush Jr to Barack Obama? Why would American people's taste suddenly go limp and now settle for less with a crabby old grandma, who standing with other world leaders would be dwarfed by them, including by Tsar Vladimir Putin of Russia. Icheoku says American people will have none of her and hereby say to Oprah Winfrey, no but thanks, no. Crooked Hillary Clinton is not American people's choice and they will not change their mind simply because Oprah Winfrey said so. No one ever goes to a prom or any other date with his or her least favorite person; talk-less of voting for a wild eyed feminist who is the most detested female in the United States of America. Icheoku says to Oprah Winfrey there is no way in hell American people will vote for Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton despite the fact that they don't like her. American people usually love their presidents and they cannot change now and vote for someone who they don't like. Salute.

Monday, October 24, 2016


Icheoku says one reason Icheoku detests Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton is that she is a liar and lies without shame. Like with every liar, liars lie because they feel they are too smart to be caught in their lies and they see the people they are lying to as being too dumb to know any better or even to understand that they are being taken for suckers. It is this disdain and look down on their victims that actually pisses many people off about liars. Now reconcile that to the crappy tales by moonlight, being told by Dame Patience Jonathan, the former Nigerian First Lady and wife of former President Goodluck Jonathan, regarding the source of the $15 million traced to her as part of the ongoing war against corruption in Nigeria. Millions of Nigerians feel very insulted by the former First Lady telling different versions of how she came about the money. First she tried to launder the money in various accounts belonging to stewards and servants; then it became gains from her sweat and toil; then followed by another tale that it was her late mother's money and now her latest befuddling story that it was her savings of the past fifteen years? 

Icheoku says a woman who was born into poverty and who was an ordinary restaurateur of a "mama-put' cadre, prior to her husband becoming deputy governor of Bayelsa and then rising to become Vice President and later president of Nigeria, cannot in all honesty claim to have either inherited or legitimately earned the whopping sum of fifteen million US dollars, short of it being proceeds of corrupt enrichment. Had she told the truth at the first instance and asked to be forgiven, Nigerians would understand that as a former First Lady, at least she deserves some little portion of the national cake. Had she come out clean initially and told Nigerians that the money were gifts from admirers and favor seekers from the government, Nigerians will equally understand too, that people make gifts either in anticipation or appreciation of favors. But to so impetuously and repeatedly lie to Nigerians as to the source of the money is to say the least very insulting to Nigerians' intelligence and sensibilities. This is where the rubber of indignation met the road of indignation and Nigerians are incensed and feeling so violated by Dame Patience repeated attempts to deceive them. Icheoku says even only this may be a good ground to make an example out of Dame Patience in order to discourage such blatancy in the future. 

The matter should therefore be fully investigated and if she is found complicit, she should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law; with a possible prison term as well as forfeiture of assets to the state. This will serve as a deterrent for all incoming future presidents and their quick-fingered spouses, that their corrupt practises while in office will not be tolerated and that their actions will attract punishing consequences. Icheoku says the corruption saga of Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton in the United States of America has incontrovertibly exposed a known fact that women love money so much and that they can take it and/or  accept it from whatever source that dangles it before their eyes. The Crooked One even took some money from the Devil itself as she pretends publicly to love women but privately takes corrupt dirty money from countries that treat women as dirt. So it is not surprising that Dame Patience also tried to stuff her pockets too using her special privileged position as the president's wife to attract people seeking favors from her husband's government, who most likely handed bundles and bundles of currencies to her in their effort to influence one thing or the other out of the government. 

This is a given; and under the circumstances, the most plausible manner by which Dame Patience came about the $15 million found in her possession. The only thing making people to want to blow their top gasket is her attempt to lie and deceive them about the source of the money. Her lies are very puerile and her effort to deceive very petulant; this is the beef she has with Nigerians, especially those of them that are still left with some modicum of moral scruples. Every right thinking Nigerian knows that the money is proceeds of corruption, probably from influence peddlers and/or favor seekers and Nigerians expected Dame Patience to have since owned that much up. But instead, she resorted to very cheap lies that succeeded in infuriating Nigerians more, including those who hitherto had expressed some understanding. Dame Patience could still go on national television or any other medium of her choosing and admit what is obvious and then ask for forgiveness. Nigerians, being the people they are, will understand and help plead with the present government to show mercy and let the former First Lady keep the $15 million as her parting gifts from friends and well wishers. Icheoku therefore calls on Dame Patience to do the needful; own up to the source of the money, apologize and stop fooling around with her so many useless tales of no explanation, explanations. Please Dame, cut off the crap and save your husband from further humiliation, seeing his wife being so dragged in the mud for corruption by the EFCC. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016


1.  DON'T TRUST HER - The email scandal just about summed up her complete inability to tell the truth. An expert lawyer who became Secretary of State with multiple BlackBerries but didn’t have a clue how emails or servers work or what constitutes classified material? Oh pur-lease, Madam Pinocchio, do you think we’re all completely stupid?

2. SHE IS GREEDY - I mean properly, outrageously, snout-in-the-trough avaricious. A woman who for decades has exploited her political status to fill her boots with tens of millions of dollars, fuelled by $200k-a-pop speeches from her Wall Street chums like Goldman Sachs.

3. SHE IS A RANK HYPOCRITE - She bangs on ad nauseam about women’s rights but sucks up to and solicits cash for the Clinton Foundation from draconian regimes like Saudi Arabia that stone women to death and refuse to let them even drive cars.

4. SHE IS A DANGEROUS WAR MONGER - The Iraq War was an unmitigated fiasco that led to turmoil throughout the Middle East and spurred the rise of ISIS. It was the biggest foreign policy disaster since Vietnam and Hillary voted for it. She was also heavily responsible for the dismal Libya invasion. When people say they don’t trust Trump with his finger on the nuclear trigger, I suggest Hillary the Hawk is far more likely to press it.

5. SHE IS A FLIP-FLOPPER EXTRAORDINAIRE - On endless issues from Iraq to gay marriage, Israel to TPP and the Keystone Pipeline, Hillary will say one thing but think nothing of saying the complete opposite later if it’s politically expedient.

6. SHE HAS A CHRONIC SUPERIORITY COMPLEX - Never was this more vividly exposed than with her disgraceful comment that half of Trump’s supporters were ‘a basket of deplorables’. That’s tens of millions of fellow Americans she was insulting, many of them honest, hard-working people.

7. SHE IS AN EMBELLISHER OF STORIES TO MAKE HERSELF LOOK BETTER - We all remember her heroic tale of having to flee sniper fire in Bosnia with her daughter Chelsea in 1996. There was just one problem – she didn’t cos it didn't happen.

8. SHE WAS JACK OF ALL TRADES AND MASTER OF NONE - As Secretary of State she was widely considered inefficient, ineffectual and complacent - sometimes to lethal consequence as we saw with the Benghazi fiasco that cost the lives of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. Hillary’s undeniably very experienced, but how valuable is all that experience if you’ve never excelled at anything you’ve done?

9. SHE IS ODDLY CHARMLESS - I’ve watched her speaking at the debates and various rallies, and indeed at last night’s Al Smith dinner, and she exudes the warmth and wit of a sour-faced Pit Bull terrier. As for that perpetual creepy Jack Nicholson ‘Shining’ smirk she does.. UGH.

10. HER HEALTH REMAINS A MAJOR CONCERN - That video of her keeling over after leaving a 9/11 memorial service was deeply troubling. Particularly when we know she had a serious head injury after passing out in 2012. Hillary is 69 next week and doesn’t exude good health, fitness or vitality, which are fairly essential components of being a modern day President. Trump’s 70 but has extraordinarily impressive energy.

11. SHE FEELS GENDER ENTITLED TO BE PRESIDENT - She carries with her a dripping sense of entitlement based on her gender that is deeply irritating. Hillary may as well have two tattoos on her forehead proclaiming: ‘Born to be First Female President’ and ‘Vote for me cos I’m a woman!’

12. SHE IS NOT INSPIRATIONAL - She wouldn’t inspire me to open a cookie jar, and I normally need no encouragement to do that. Contrast her oratory style with someone like Michelle Obama – whose fire and passion has electrified this race in recent weeks. Hillary’s a dull, lifeless, robotic speaker by comparison.

13. SHE IS NOT BILL CLINTON - She’s not Bill, one of the smartest, most brilliantly charismatic politicians America has ever seen. There’s a sense with Hillary that she’s riding on the coattails of her husband’s huge popularity. Would she be anywhere near winning the presidency if many Americans weren’t thinking this was a way of getting Bill back to the White House too? I don’t think so.

14. SHE IS A VERY UNPLEASANT PERSON - I fear that beneath the constant, smug, apple-cheeked smirk lies a fairly unpleasant piece of work. Former Secret Service agents have painted a picture of a vengeful, mistrustful, abusive, angry, sarcastic, demanding, disorganised, unpunctual boss.

15. SHE WILL START TROUBLE WITH RUSSIA - She would push for a new cold war with Russia in an effort to prove her toughness with Vladimir Putin. You can tell this by the hateful rhetoric which spews from her mouth every time she mentions his name. This is a very worrying thing for the world.

16. REPUBLICANS HATE HER - Republicans hate her even more than they hate President Obama. This will be a massive issue if she wins. Obama’s woeful inability to do business with the opposition rendered him incapable of even passing a single new gun law after Sandy Hook. What hope for Hillary, with all her Washington enemy-making over the past 40 years, to achieve any meaningful deals?

17. SHE HAS HORRENDOUS BAGGAGE - Her baggage is horrendous. From Whitewater to Vince Foster, Hillary’s past is scandalously dubious and troublesome. Does this matter? Yes. It goes to the heart of her character. She’s dodgy, period.

18. SHE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT HERSELF - The way she attacked Bill’s lovers in the past leaves an unedifying taste in the mouth given all her lofty moral pronouncements about the way Trump treats women. Hillary didn’t just stand by her philandering man, she trashed the women he bedded. Very unfortunate for the self-styled Emmeline Pankhurst of US politics.

19. SHE IS TOO AMBITIOUS - She’s chillingly ambitious to the expense of anything else in her life. It seeps from every pore. This is a career politician who has repeatedly shown she will trample over anyone and anything that gets in her way, and who conveniently overlooks moral and ethical issues if they don’t suit her agenda or progression to power.

20. ORAL SEX FOR HILLARY VOTERS - Madonna has offered to perform free oral sex for anyone who votes for Hillary. I literally cannot think of a single more compelling reason not to vote for her.