Tuesday, June 7, 2022


ICHEOKU says there is an African saying that until a woman marries two husbands she will never know which husband was a better provider. America is presently wallowing through the same course as a restless African woman who often marries and divorces just for marital adventure in search of the proverbial green grass. 

The dire situation in the country succinctly captures this African saying as American people who divorced President Donald John Trump and married President Joe Biden on November 3rd 2020 have now ruefully found out that the former president was a genius when it comes to  making their lives better compared to the harshest living experience which they are struggling through under President Joe Biden. The grass which they thought was greener in Joe Biden  turned out to be a mere synthetic turf. Many of these voters are now living with the dilemma of buyer's remorse having brought the nightmare upon themselves and wishing that there could be a do-over and that they did not cut their nose just to spite their face.

Like the people of ancient Israel did with Jesus and Barabbas, American people shouted crucify him, crucify him; and voted him out of office, traded him for Joe Biden. The deed was done and the curtain over the temple door of America tore and things are no longer the same as everything has gone to hell in a hand's basket. Problems which the former president was accused of not solving quickly enough, harassed for, pilloried as a result and in fact, harangued because of, are still gripping the country like San Francisco fog in summer, two years after President Joe Biden was sworn into office. 

The hardship in the country has multiplied several  folds and those voters who brought the pain upon the country are now complaining loudest that the pain and suffering in the land is simply becoming unbearable. But are they accepting some shared responsibility for their unthinking mob mentality which made them vote out a sitting president with proven solutions to their problems and in his place, put the current personification of gross incompetency. They preferred a man with a Sadim touch whom everything he touches turns into a pile of dirt as opposed to a man with the Midas touch who made America great again with his golden effect.

As a result of the hate-driven vote, which even William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar's plebeians would not have made, American people are today wallowing in a dire strait which they have never been before. How  people would choose to hurt themselves in this manner is simply beyond fathom. They rejected a president with a proven record of ability, competence and performance; and in his place, elected a heavily demented president who has no provable record of ability, competence and performance whatsoever. 

Electing President Joe Biden was the height of unthinking of American voters, the reason for the season of hardship which has enveloped America. Maybe the hardship in the country is a teachable lesson and hopefully American people, particularly those who voted for the current president, would have learned from their mistake never to allow their heart to take over their head in making such an important decision as electing the president of America. 

God blessed America with a president like none other before him, who indeed truly loves America. He did his best for America during the four years he was in office, and far in excess of any former president before him imagined possible, and more than any future president after him could ever contemplate. Who ever imagined that the living condition in America would depreciate so fast between the change of presidents; and at such a spiraling crescendo that it is leading many people into near paralysis, depression and suicide.

COVID is still killing Americans. The death toll has since risen to over one million Americans killed by COVID-19. That is more than seven hundred thousand more Americans COVID deaths since President Joe Biden took over office. Gas prices have skyrocketed and are now dangerously hovering around $10 per gallon. Cost of groceries has so quadrupled that people are now choosing what to forsake. Interest rates have also gone up forcing many companies to freeze hiring and the projection is that layoffs will soon possibly follow. Insecurity is on the rise as mass shootings have astronomically increased. 

Then factor in the much touted administration's "Build Back Better" program which has turned into a "Build Nothing At All" rancor and bickering in Washington DC. Killing of babies through abortion on demand appears to be the only thing which the administration has a grip on, admitted various states are fighting to stop them and help save thousands of American babies from the guillotine of abortion providers in America. And of course, helming international challenges appear not to be the administration's strongest suit, resulting in an ongoing war in Ukraine which has cost American taxpayers dearly, other wars, famine, hunger, starvation and near restiveness everywhere. 

The situation has become so bad that even our neighbor to the south Mexico is now threatening a boycott of President Joe Biden's government's organized Conference of the Americas which will take place in Los Angeles. If what American people are facing now is because "an adult is presently in the White House," may infants and children henceforth be the only ones allowed to occupy the White House.

Regrettably, a very incompetent President Joe Biden appears to have no answer nor clue to solving these multitude of problems facing America. Worse still, he has a dumbo for vice president and cannot get any relief of competent assistance from the very incompetent Vice President who wangled her war to power using what she has to get what she want; and not necessarily because she was qualified for the job. They are both incompetent and they cannot help each other help America keep its greatness. Like the proverbial two knives in an old widow's kitchen, one is sharp without a handle and the other is blunt with a handle. 2024 cannot come fast enough so that America can take their country back from such a pair of clueless, hate-Trump vote beneficiaries.

President Donald John Trump successfully managed the expectations of American people and kept things relatively under control. Now, the suffering in the land is system-wide and the country is so dangerously tilting on the precipice. Can America recover from these and will we ever see a $2.50 gas price at the pump again? The people that engineered the birthing of the catastrophic Joe Biden's presidency, will they ever apologize to the America people they deceived into voting Joe Biden into office for misleading them with false statements and crying wolf when a mere jackal was around

Will the fake news media ever apologize to the former president for the hand which they dealt him during his presidency and the campaign for a second term which they helped truncate?  Although a distant possibility if not an impossibility, at least the people can vote him back in 2024 if he runs again, to show him that they were wrong for buying into the hatchet job which the crappy fake news did on him. 

ICHEOKU wishes that these anti-Trump American voters were a little smarter not to have fallen to the media's lynching of the former president, as everyone would have been spared the current agony ripping through the land. In Trump we trust to save America from the incompetent Joe Biden and 2024 cannot come soon enough for the making of amends. Waiting. 

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