Tuesday, May 3, 2022


ICHEOKU says it literally  barely lasted as long as it took for someone to inhale and exhale a breath. It was not a good commentary for the once celebrated cable news network, CNN, that its streaming service or rather attempt to also become a paid streaming service provider, petered to an inglorious end so soon following launch. 

And yes, it shows that American viewers have rejected CNN and all it stands for. They did not  welcome its attempt to go into streaming service through its CNN+ which summarily led to its demise. It also did not matter that the liberal mole Chris Wallace who hitherto pretended to be objective and on the right side, working for CNN rival FoxNews, was poached to the now dead on arrival streaming service. It is rather interesting that not even Chris Wallace could save a streaming service owned by the fake news CNN, the reason CNN sucks.

CCN+ was a total failure to launch, a victim of its parent CNN's liberal woke-centric idiocy. An imbecilic move by any media and it triggered its rejection by millions of American viewers who felt scandalized by CNN morphing into a purveyor of fake news and a propaganda network for acute liberal woke idiotic agenda nonsensical. CNN+ failure is another indication that were CNN to be unbundled from service providers' packaged programming that it would since have gone under and extinct. 

Anyway, hopefully the fate which befell CNN+ will send a strong message to CNN that it has been rejected by the people and that in order to soar again or roar back into contention as a trusted news media source in America, it needs a serious rethinking of its programming choices as well as its moderators/presenters if it seriously wants to survive. Until then, so long CNN+ and there continues the sad saga of a gradually dying cable network; can't wait. 

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