Tuesday, August 24, 2021


ICHEOKU says evacuating Afghanis from their homeland will not solve any problem, rather it will exacerbate them and hinder the effort at building back better their country. Once the fairly good brains now being drained out of the country through the needless and unnecessary evacuation are gone, the leftover will not be well equipped or positioned to sustain the effort of modernizing the country. As a result, the most likelihood that it will have a free fall back into the abyss where it was in the 90s. It will end up being a case where a medicine killed the patient it was meant to save. Even any merit in the idea such as to try and save as many of them as possible, will fade when juxtaposed to a total and complete loss of Afghanistan, with the failed state status which is looming. 

A country where a "medical doctor" could not appreciate the danger of hanging on the outside of a taxing, soon to be airborne airplane and eventually plunged down to his spattered death on the tarmac from hundreds of feet, is a country with so many deeply brain-dead people that further poaching the little manpower they have is simply inconsiderate and callous at best. What is the point of still depriving someone of sleep when you cannot give him bed to sleep on. Afghanistan deserves all the manpower and brain power they can find right now and it is injurious to take away the little they have. It will only accelerate their descent back into the catastrophic 90s, in their old ways, with little or no qualified people left to steer the country in this day of internet technology driven world.

Western countries seeking to help Afghanistan should have concentrated their energies more on the big picture prize which will be more beneficial to the nearly 40 million Afghanis rather than the convenience of the few tens of thousands they are taking out of the country. Helping Afghanistan to stabilize by engaging the Taliban to ensure that they govern within acceptable tolerable rules should have been a preferred best approach. But weakening them by providing temporary relief and succor to those who somewhat "betrayed" their country, working with the American "invaders", is not a friendly policy. What becomes the fate of the over 39 million Afghanis that will be left behind and at the "mercy of the Taliban?" 

Evacuation is short sighted at best, a bandaid to a huge laceration and should have been discouraged and avoided in the interest of a stabilized Afghanistan. A long term solution should have been the focus of the West because a completely destabilized Afghanistan will be an added insult to the injury of the chaotic pullout as everything labored for the past twenty years would be completely and totally lost. At least the Taliban have made some assurances of good and better behavior; therefore working closely with them to make sure that they deliver on their promises would have been a better foot forward. It will lead to a more positive result than all the retributions, including economic sanctions, now being hatched at 10 Downing Street and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

The fact of the matter is that there is no amount of evacuation of Afghanis that will be enough. If 100,000 of them are taken out, how about the remainder 39 million plus? There will still be a very large number of them left behind and all Europe, America, Canada, Australia, UK, New Zealand and Japan do not have enough space to accommodate all of them. Even if there is enough space and the woke political leaders decide to overrun their own citizens with Afghanis,  there will be consequential resistance by the citizens who would not tolerate being ran over and to some extent displaced by foreign Afghanis flooding their country. 

It might be difficult for the bruised ego of the West, but engaging the Taliban is still the best solution since the reality on the ground affirms they are now the only authority there. Russia and China have indicated interest in accepting the Taliban and so should the West before it is completely displaced and replaced by those who did not spend blood and treasure trying to "build a nation" out of such a tribal vassal arid land, with over 60 distinct tribes with very distinct loyalties forged on thousands of years of feuding and bloodletting. The mistake has been made and now the solution should be the only focus. There should be no sanctions on Afghanistan, at least not now; diplomatic arm twisting, using their mentors in the Islamic world, many of who are Western allies too, is the ideal approach. Lets the West try something different. 

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