Friday, July 23, 2021


ICHEOKU says not even a husband and wife living together under one roof have shared values that are 100% in tandem with each other. So, why is the European Union forcing and blackmailing Hungary to an "all or nothing" deal on the issues of homosexuality and diluting their Christian society with Islamism. Why must Hungary be made to agree to this two issues as a precondition to accessing EU funding, when they are an independent country with entrenched values rooted in their Christian beliefs and ideological standing. It is akin to asking a person to first forsake his family before the person can draw on a membership benefits of a club. 

So, what if such are in the charter of the European Union; why not place more emphasis on realizing the core objectives of why the club was set up. The European Union was primarily set up as one hub for all economic activities and travels in Europe; so why the deviation to rather mundane issues which are rather personal to the 27 member countries respectively. What has homosexuality and Islamism got to do with a member country being in good standing? Must the other European countries which have been smitten by the nut job, leftist, woke culture now force other remaining and still sensible European countries to also join them in their mass suicide. Even Jim Jones did not force his 900 followers to drink the cyanide laced cool-aid in the 1978 Jonestown Guyana massacre, he merely persuaded them. 

So, why is the European Union being so mean and indifferent to Hungary's peculiar religious and cultural way of life and now deploying threats of withholding of financial assistance and economic deprivation as weapons of pressure. Of what benefit will homosexuality and islamism be to Hungary anyway that the European Union is forcing them to accept them? If those other countries which have lost their backbones, capitulated and under the scourge of the two experimentations find the two oddities acceptable to them, so be it. But the EU must allow other countries which still have sound minds and good heads on their shoulders to maintain their way  of living and keep the two strangers out of their own immediate geographical space. 

Like Hungary has repeatedly stated, they are not against anyone from being whatever they want to be; but they want their children not to be indoctrinated with certain unnatural absurdities such as certain lifestyles which are better kept personal and not forcibly foist on the society as an acceptable way of life. They also want to keep their society safe from Islamists terrorists attacks and frequent slaughtering of their Hungarian citizens. ICHEOKU says Hungary reserves the right to be accommodated because despite political correctness, same sex is still largely seen as an abnormality and an act so unnatural that the animal kingdom still holds it off and not partaking in it because it is an aberration. Even the plant kingdom too understands this fact and respects it through pollination. 

But since not every one in any given society is sane, so it is expected that there will be some queers in every society; but that does not make it alright to hold up such lifestyle as the new normal and/or natural. The human gnome and body cells sometimes make some mistakes by replicating diseases causing cells, but that does not mean that these streaked cells should then become acceptable and allowed to dominate the good cells including occupying the discussion space. Why teach children about homosexuality and not allow them to grow up and find it out by themselves if that is what they want. Also, since the logic of "born that way" is also prevalent in the society as an argument in support, no child therefore needs to be indoctrinated to since the gnome will naturally trigger as they become matured. 

ICHEOKU says has nothing against anyone being expressive about whatever works for them; but believes that there is nothing in particular to be proud about or celebrate about homosexuality, because it is not an honor to be one and it is not a status that is earned. Nobody celebrates being normal and straight because it is the gold standard; so why celebrate the freaks of nature, who all things considered, should be feeling different because they are indeed different. Therefore, what is there to celebrate, except that they want to always be in peoples face trying to provoke ruckus where none exists. 

The good news however is that homosexuality has been as old as the world and so many people either know a person or have or had an uncle or an auntie who is "somehow" different. Even the Bible has a record on homosexuality in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. So nobody is saying that homosexuals should not exist, but that they should not force their lifestyle on the rest of society through propaganda and aggressiveness, in an attempt to supplant what is normal with rather their queerness. It is this overstepping of natural boundaries that Hungary is not allowing the European Union to help gay lobbyists forcibly achieve in Budapest, because it is both against their Christian faith and traditional beliefs. Hungary does not hate anybody who is differently orientated.

As to Islamism which is rapidly engulfing Europe, nature abhors a vacuum and because of abandonment of Christianity by Europeans, Islamism swooped in to take dominion. Unfortunately, the same Europe which brought Christianity to the rest of the world now have fewer Christians than the other continents which they took their "religion" to, including Africa and Asia. It is also probable that there are fewer Christians in Europe today than there are Muslims, with many churches already converted to Mosques and many more mosques still being built. It is also true that no church foundation has been laid in Europe in the recent past, if not in this 21st century. 

Although ICHEOKU is a spiritualist and not a religionist, but decries the European indifference to the Islamization agenda being implemented in Europe. A matter more disturbing because it is accompanied with a jihadi's violence which summarily murders innocent people just because of who they are. A lot of islamist killings have been going in France, United Kingdom and Germany, instilling fear in the populace and making the people anxious with attendant health risks of hypertension, high blood pressure and even heart attacks. But what do they do, instead of finding a way to proactively protect their citizens, they are busy preaching "accommodation" and one Europe while the Islamism financiers in the Middle East and Asia are laughing them off for being clueless and so naive not to read the handwriting on the wall. 

Hungary does not want its population to be similarly victimized by a religion which sheds the blood of innocent people just to make their point, the reason they are jealously guarding their immediate borders from Islamist penetration. This should be respected by the European Union as Budapest knows best what is in the best interest of Hungarians more than whimpering bureaucrats in Brussels. There is free movement in the European Union, so anyone who feels "unwanted" in Hungary could always relocate to any of the other 26 countries in the Union and in that way the problem is solved. So let Hungary be allowed to remain Hungary, unless the EU wants to force it out of the union just like they did with the United Kingdom. 

Why does the 27 countries still even maintain their respective names and governments, instead of dissolving into one United States of Europe. It shows that some nationalistic prides are still recognized and must be respected, including giving to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. If Hungary does not want to disorientate Hungarian children with teachings and indoctrination of homosexuality and/or to import Islamists terrorists into their country to cause them harm, so be it. Europe must wake up to what is staring them on the face or they will someday wish they did, when it would have become too late to abort. Political correctness and wokeism is gravely weakening Europe and might eventually, someday, be their Titanic. #HungaryStrong. #StandWithHungary.

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