Friday, May 19, 2017


ICHEOKU says a broken hearted man who saw his baby FoxNews yanked out from underneath him by lecherous ever scheming women and their accomplices; he slipped and fell and ruptured an artery in his brain, leading to brain hemorrhage from which he did not recover. Roger Ailes who founded FoxNews and took it to the pedestal it is occupying today and until recently its Chairman and CEO died at his Florida home; he was 77 years old. ICHEOKU says a steely steady voice for conservative values who is hated by the far left liberal anarchists; he would be greatly missed by conservatives as a fearless voice and  advocate extraordinaire of conservative values. 

In his tribute to Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly who used to work for him at FoxNews before himself was similarly fired has to this to say about his departed former boss: “The list of legendary Americans whom Roger helped is long and impressive. From Ronald Reagan to George Bush, the elder, to Rush Limbaugh, Ailes gave them all blunt advice that led them to success. And it was that bluntness that made his life difficult, as enemies accumulated — some armed with a brutal hatred. When stuff hit the fan… Roger had my back. Roger Ailes experienced that hatred and it killed him. That is the truth. But he would not want to be remembered that way. He did both good and bad in his life and in that, he has something in common with every human being." 

ICHEOKU says he had a wonderful run on life and left an indelible mark on the sands of time and the product he created, FoxNews, endures. Overall, his a very productive life was well lived and he fed a lot of people through meaningful jobs. May his soul now rest, freed from sexual allegations and innuendos from some daughters of Eve and you wonder who used them to take the man down and out of a news network he tireless built and groomed and nurtured to the citadel it is today. But hey, life happens; and the history of television and news in America can never be written without reserving a prominent place for Roger Ailes. Yes, he came, he saw and he conquered on the stage and he empowered voice of conservatism in America and gave them their rightful place in the society. Yes, he made conservatism great again. Adieu Roger.

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