Monday, May 1, 2017


ICHEOKU says to date the French president Francois Hollande is the only leader of the free world who has not yet been invited or received by the Trump's White House, one hundred days following the inauguration of President Donald John Trump. It does not bode well for France as their position on the top of the totem pole is gradually but steadily eroding, especially after the midnight scooter riding and paramour sniffing Hollande somewhat dabbled into the last United States presidential election by openly canvassing for the election of Hillary Clinton and the rejection of Donald Trump. Like with many of his type, the anti Trump, Never Trump people of this world, he was forced to eat his vomit which possibly explains his not being well disposed to meet with Trump. ICHEOKU understands and so likely does President Donald John Trump and we will gladly and patiently wait until the red carpet can be spread out for Mademoiselle Presidente`Marine Le Pen. 

It is a truism and fact of consequence that Americans do not like outsiders interfering in their election. It is also arguable that President Donald John Trump has not particularly forgiven President Francois Hollande for trying to derail his election and by extension, the whole France for that attempt by their president to sabotage his election. ICHEOKU says the French people has a great opportunity at rapprochement and in order to restore their claim to their rightful place among the comity of nations, especially those in President Trump's America good book. President Donald John Trump has not left anybody in doubt about who he would rather to see win the French election and ushered into Champs Elysee Palace. That preferred candidate is Mademoiselle Marine Le Pen. ICHEOKU says therefore, the choice is now strictly the French to either make this amend or continue to have their place eroded. President Donald John Trump is a practical person who does not suffer fools lightly and will not hesitate to visit the iniquities of Hollande on any French president who is not Marine Le Pen. Viva France. Vote Marine Le Pen.

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