Tuesday, May 30, 2017


ICHEOKU says but for the outcry that followed, she would not have mouthed off a belated apology. Therefore 'deplorable me', ICHEOKU, is not accepting the so called apology because it was not sincere and not genuinely reflected. She is an adult who fully intended the outcome and took further steps to mission-accomplish it, albeit in make believe fantasy. She fully intended the consequent reactions and she  telegraphed an objective to see the head of the president handed to her so that she can hold it up in her hand, display it in her macabre orgy and she got exactly what she bargained for, short of the real thing. 

ICHEOKU says her action and ill intention is condemnable and should be condemned by all men and women of goodwill as it goes beyond everything and anything artsy and has no place in our political discuss, regardless of the far left nut jobs' refusal to accept and live with the reality that was November 8, 2016. A situation made worse in these days of heightened global terrorism, where families are terrified daily about the unknown; and  especially coming so soon following the Manchester England terrorist bombing of Ariana Grande's concert. Her crass indifference to the sorrows of many families whose ward has been beheaded by ISIS in real life clearly shows too. ICHEOKU says for this sex-starved, angry and ugly duckling, to show this great insensitivity to the current tragic times, brought about by global terrorism and accompanying beheadings, definitely paints her in a very bad light. It is unflattering as she crossed every line and every measure of any acceptable decency and she should pay dearly for it. 

Acting as a devil's advocate, let us even take the president aside, how about the grieving and traumatized families of those who were indeed actually beheaded by ISIS and here is this witch making light of the very torturous experience of their loved family ones who fell victims to ISIS beheading; and she thinks it is so cool as to make mockery of their experience? That she presented her bloody work just few short weeks following the death of 22 youngsters in Manchester England and the wounding of 60 others suggests that something is definitely wrong with her upstairs because no rational human being would venture into such sensitive terrain so soon and in this times of great apprehension concerning Islamist terrorism. ICHEOKU say imagine the outrage it would have caused were it former President Obama that was depicted with a noose on his neck or even his decapitated head in anyone's hand including this slot.What is even artsy about this gory head dripping in blood and she could care less if some children were traumatized looking at her display. Simply put, Kathy Griffin is whack or was heavily strung out on barbiturates  and other mind altering substances when she put this display into motion; otherwise how else could anyone fathom a guess as to what motivated such a freakish display. 

ICHEOKU says CNN and every other media outfit that helps pay for this lunacy must rise up and disassociate themselves from her immediately, including terminating whatever appointment she may have with them. They must unequivocally assure Americans that they neither support nor endorse such tasteless and hurtful adventure into a forbidden jungle of hateful speech. Failure to so do will be seen as encouraging a demons possessed lunatic and her heartless nonsense, which is both demeaning to the real victims of beheading and insensitive to their families as well as which caused great hurt to the president and threatened his safety. 

Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton lost an election, fair and square, and so nobody will hear something from these far left loonies and it has been one whiny outburst every time and every day, one following another. If not Madonna, it is Snoop Dogg and now this outrageous Kathy Griffin and she knew exactly what she was doing when she did it. As exposed on TMZ, she said during the taking of the picture that she will be crossing the line but could care less and may have to move to Mexico to escape retribution. What an apology to womenfolk this Kathy Griffin is, provided she has a vagina and bleeds monthly; because there is nothing feminine about her. She looks like a stunted man, a real terrorist, an ISIS wife or concubine, an undertaker and a mortician combined. To hell with her and if she likes she can go jump off the cliff but she and her ilk can never separate us, irredeemable deplorables, from our dear leader President Donald John Trump and together, we will help him Make America Great Again. What a sadistic person who practices hedonism she is; and whose jokes are as tasteless and drably as her ugly face. Just look at that face of hers. Indeed the head actually looks more like her rather than the person she intended it to mimic. Pathetic.

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