Saturday, May 13, 2017


ICHEOKU says now that the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, has been relieved of his duties and is no longer in charge of the bureau; and the principal reason for his removal was his conduct during the last election, particularly his inexplicable exoneration of Hillary Clinton from the email-gate scandal, a need has arisen to revisit that unsure chapter of American prosecutorial justice. 

To this end therefore, the FBI needs to reopen the files therein to  see if there was somewhat a cover-up and why the former director recommended that "no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute" a case which he made a glaring argument for its prosecution. How anyone would reach that conclusion of no prosecution after the lengthy argument he presented for a prosecution leaves a lot to be admired of a justice system that is supposedly impartial and blind. In his own exact words, then director James Comey said: "Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." 

ICHEOKU says this is the fork on the road in this convoluted matter, the director having admitted that there is evidence of violations, yet went forth to make a counter recommendation that no reasonable prosecutor would bring the case. ICHEOKU says how about letting an unreasonable prosecutor to bring the case and let the jury of her peers determine whether or not what she did was a crime and/or arises to the level of culpable criminal misbehavior. 

Therefore, ICHEOKU says this matter needs to be revisited; not necessarily to find Hillary Clinton guilty or not guilty, but that the law be followed to its last letters logical conclusions without the overt favoritism being showed to her. This and only this would satisfy the many people who are aghast that Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for her obvious mishandling of classified information. Many other people have been prosecuted for less, so why not her? It is both fair and in the interest of justice that the case be revisited and conclusively get to the bottom of the matter. President Donald John Trump will therefore be doing the law a great service if he orders a reinvestigation of the Hillary Clinton's email-gate scandal and let the tree fall wherever they may. 

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