Monday, April 10, 2017


ICHEOKU says Alexander Rodriguez is the latest victim of the lecherous Jennifer Lopez, who seems not to ever satisfy her apertite for catch and release of men. Whether all those men are the ones walking away from her after fulfilling their hearts desires or it is Jenny from the Block that is doing the offloading of them, in her quest to see how many men she can seduce before she finally gets wrinkly, ICHEOKU has no conclusive evidence. 

But whatever be the case and however the revolving door around her turns, the relevant thing here is that Jenifer Lopez has moved on to yet another man, her man number twelve and he is the former New York Yankees outfielder Alexander Rodriguez aka A Rod. ICHEOKU says if man number 12 is now with Jenny, when will number 13 appear and displace him? It is a safe bet to make that any woman who has traveled through this many number of men within just the last two decades has possibly not yet reached her end-station in her conquest of men business. The possibility of her ending up yet with another man before too long is not a too far fetched conjecture. So what is it that drives Jennifer to and away from men or is it just an addiction she has to see how many men she can catch and release within her lifetime, especially now that she is still presentable. Is she trying to break a world record as the super star who broke the records on how many men they allowed into their lives during their life time.

ICHEOKU says what exactly do these men find in her that like a moth to the light, they are prepared to plunge into her only to be tossed aside within a few short period.  What is the magic potion that is making these many men line up, waiting for their turn to date Jenny from the Block?  What pleasure do they drive from being had and dumped, smothered and left holding only their memories of having dated that Latina woman with the big butts?  Icheoku is at a loss on the dangerous attraction men have of her and why any responsible man should want to just be a number in the many that have traveled through her gap. ICHEOKU is not being a moral avatar here or overtly judgmental; but truth be told, what value is still left of a woman whom so many men have gone through and openly; since there is no more uniqueness about her. What is that take home personal experience that one can treasure being with Jennifer Lopez or which man likes to know that the woman he is with has had about a dozen men travel through her and that he is merely eating a leftover. Simply put, Jennifer Lopez is not better than any street hustler, standing at the corner street and turning tricks; the only difference being that she might not be asking for payment in cash. 

What else is there in Jennifer Lopez that would make a man want to dive in to see and find out; not after several men have been there before and you wonder what actually drives these adventurers into the cave of Jennifer Lopez. With such high traffic of men through her straits, what is left there for such an overused woman who, were she a car, would have been due for the junk scrap yard. Like a rug in a walkway, Jennifer Lopez, considering all the men that have traversed her, is technically speaking, a spent and used or rather, disused person. Her epitaph will possibly read, "Here lies Jennifer Lopez, a woman who was traversed by so many men." What a role model indeed she is to the millions of young and impressionable ladies who see her and look up to her as their heroine. ICHEOKU also wonders whether Jennifer Lopez would like to see her daughter having this many men traveling through her gates or is she so selfish not to even blink that her dalliances might be shaming her family especially her mother, a devout catholic. Anyway, is it Jenny and she is from the Block; admitted nothing is edifying nor dignifying about her sharing her body with this many number of different men and so publicly. 

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