Saturday, April 22, 2017


ICHEOKU says is not taking sides nor holding a brief for anyone, but in America, women will get you once they are determinedly honed in on project take you down. They will tell their stories movingly and most times people are moved into giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are indeed telling the truth; admitted that many a times, their version of the truth might either be exaggerated or heavily embellished or even an outright lie told to deceive and hoodwink. 

Many alpha males have fallen victim to this machination as women consider them threatening and then mark them for destruction and elimination; removal from their feminist society being an inconvenient obstacle on their way to total domination of the sphere. Whether former Fox News Bill O'Reilly is guilty of the charges leveled against him leading to his current tribulation and forced exit from Fox News, ICHEOKU does not know nor can affirmatively assert; but if precedents are any guide, possibly he was innocent of all the charges and merely a victim, who possibly made an innocent jocular banter complimenting a female, who took it wrongly as sexual harassment. Yes, it is America and in America women rule and dictate what is acceptable in their relationship with males; including what compliments are acceptable, if any. As far as the relationship between them and the males are concerned, they have to have both the beginning say as well as the final say, at the peril of the male who thinks otherwise or utters anything to the contrary. 

One of the accusations accusations against Bill O'Reilly is that he mouthed a "Hot Chocolate" at a black female employee at Fox News and you wonder what the harm or hurt here is, that a probably very good looking ebony female was complimented as being delightfully delicious or who does not like hot chocolate. Sometimes, even when you compliment females as being beautiful, they complain; you compliment their outfit as being nice and sexy, they complain; you compliment their figure as being exactly what nature ordered, they complain. Then conversely make the mistake of calling them fat or ugly or not enticing for any man to desire, and they will smack you and make a whole lot of trouble for you for not being sensitive and for being a pig and a dog and every other manner of thing not fit to co-habit this earth with them. It is a troubling situation indeed and sometimes even when they give you the common on and you respond, they turn around and accuse you of sexual harassment and of making the work place environment unbearable for them. 

ICHEOKU knows about this guy who his female colleague in the office was in the habit of flirting with and each time she is passing through his desk will stop to give this guy a shoulder rub. She will tell him complimentary things and sometimes even give him a peck. It happened continuously until this guy convinced himself that her overtures were a common on invitation to treat and he decided to express his interest. One day the guy went over to her desk and rubbed her shoulders and complimented her for her perfume and then left. A day later, their supervisor invited him to his office to say that the girl complained of his sexual advancement to her and that she considers same harassment and creating an unsettling work place environment. The guy was given an option to resign or face prosecution and that was how the guy lost his nearly six figure job. 

Mike Tyson was sent to prison because an aspiring model visited him in his hotel suite close to midnight in a see through lingerie; they had sex and she left only to later allege rape. Clarence Thomas nearly lost his Supreme Court judgeship to an accusation of sexual harassment of and by a female. Very recently, then candidate and now President Donald John Trump, was nearly forced out of his presidential campaign by a litany of accusations by females of various manners of unwanted sexual advances, some of them bothering on even rape. ICHEOKU says in the matter of Bill O'Reilly, he has lost his gig at Fox News due to similar allegations and accusations, but whether he did them or not, ICHEOKU does not know; but it sounds similar to what has become a common place occurrences in America where females sometimes make up stories just to take a man down. 

ICHEOKU says Bill O'Reilly made the mistake however by settling other previous similar allegations, which made people believe that he probably did it otherwise why settle. Bill O'Reilly's explanation that he did it to protect his family fell flat because if someone accuses a totally innocent person of some misconduct or crime, it behooves on the accused person to vehemently exonerate himself and not act in any manner that is suggestive of the possibility of the accusation being real. However, unlike so many other non rich and not so famous none white males, Bill O'Reilly secured the proverbial golden parachute of $25 million parting pay from Fox News. So in as much his face will no longer adorn the Network's evening program, he will still have a good life and possibly might follow in the path of Dan Rather and other former network faces in establishing an Internet based podcast. His audience from Fox News might follow him to wherever he decides to pitch his broadcast tent. 

ICHEOKU prays that men of America will learn their lesson from this that the women of America have become too sensitive and know how to shut their mouth around them. Just says nothing, see nothing and hear nothing about that female colleague of yours if you want to keep your job and not be accused of one harassment or the other. So long Bill but Fox News is the loser in this case as the Network seems to have lost its backbone and cannot stand firm and back their alpha male employees, faced with advertisers boycotts and threats of some crazy wild-eyed feminists females. Roger Ailes is gone; Bill O'Reilly is now also gone and you wonder who follows next in the attempt of some extremist anarchists to cut the Network to size by getting rid of the Network's retinue of alpha males who are not afraid to air their opinion and not given to political correctness. That the Network has steadily been beating other networks and stations and for several years now in viewership and ratings, also did not help matter in the drive by these invisible forces to equalize the playing field by silencing its ace anchors and now removing them one after the other. Sad.    

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