Thursday, February 9, 2017


Icheoku says haters will always hate and now they are piling on and trolling Lady Gaga. So it goes that after pressuring Lady Gaga to go politically ballistic against President Donald John Trump during her Super Bowl halftime performance and failed, these liberal wild eyed feminists nuts and their sissy male accomplices have taken to twitter and other social media outlets to hammer Lady Gaga for not being a willing tool in their hands of hate. A spectacular performance which every sane person hailed as stellar and which these lunatic fringed anarchists could not find anyway to fault or impugn has now become a belly fat issue? 

It is her body that they are now going after, claiming that she is fat for a loose hanging belly flop that was hardly noticeable. In their warped mind, just find some fault to fault Lady Gaga for not doing their bidding and haranguing President Donald John Trump, their newest punchbag of fun. In their body-shaming of Lady Gaga, they forgot the time honored decorum never to talk about a woman's body weight and to encourage rather than shame her into discouragement. It appears these cry-babies only duly certified females are entitled to such society's protections otherwise why call her out on "pot belly, belly flop and over the belts' pot belly?" 

Icheoku says Lady Gaga is not fat and whatever loose belly was rather sexy than repulsive. She was simply ladylike, being mindful that the Super Bowl was a celebration of American great sport and that in the mix were fans from diverse broad political spectrum including those who are apolitical. In the crowd too were people who paid hefty sums to enjoy a beautiful game of football, played in its grand finale and would rather not be bothered with political remarks or dragged into partisan politics or in short have their day ruined by political comment from a respected entertainer. In the midst too were a lot of Trump's deplorables as well as Clinton's coolaid drinkers and some non partisan independents; while millions of others watched throughout the nation and also globally. So why would a thinking Lady Gaga and she thinks a lot and very fast too, ruin her performance by dabbling into the current political craziness that have seen some extremists on the very far left losing their minds in a rather unsettling hysteric fashion.

Moreso Lady Gaga is from Texas and was performing in Houston Texas, a very deep red State and understands very well the politics of the host state and would have been out of sync obliging these President Trump's detractors. Icheoku is glad that the no nonsense Lady Gaga had fired back and has now rightfully put these mad hounds in their rightful place - the dustbin of irrelevance. In her own words of wisdom she told them to take care of themselves and leave Lady Gaga alone and let Lady Gaga worry about Lady Gaga's issues, if any, including an alleged hanging loose belly skin. According to her, “I heard my body is a topic of conversation so I wanted to say, I’m proud of my body and you should be proud of yours too. No matter who you are or what you do. I could give you a million reasons why you don’t need to cater to anyone or anything to succeed. Be you, and be relentlessly you. That’s the stuff of champions. Thank you so much everyone for supporting me. I love you guys. Xoxo, Gaga.”

Icheoku says hopefully these anarchists will not take their action a step further by calling for the boycott of Lady Gaga and her music as well as concerts. The far left liberals are tethering on a lunatic fringe and are capable of taking their actions to whatever level that make them feel fulfilled. The same crocks are now boycotting Ivanka Trump's labels and you wonder what did Ivanka also do to them or was it her fault that her father won the presidency; and none of the things the president allegedly said or did was attributable to Ivanka, yet they want to take her down too. Anyway, Icheoku taking the Lady Gaga admonition a step further, says these jobless lowlife trolls should go get jobs and get a life of their own and stop hating others who worked hard and succeeded. The earlier they start accepting the fact that President Donald John Trump won the election and is the president of all, the better for their psychological well being. What a group of human debris that always insist that they know best and that it must either be their way or the highway to hell. Lunatics.

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