Tuesday, February 21, 2017


ICHEOKU says at least it will give one time and opportunity to properly order his or her affairs and put things in order rather than being picked up from either the workplace or shopping mall or on the streets or nightclub/bar and straight to the airport, adios. Any person who is not assured of his or her residence status should make haste to consult his lawyers to be properly briefed on their current immigration status and if in doubt or falls within the likely to be deported category, to plan on leaving on their own volition while the window is still open. 

Everyone knows that President Donald John Trump is a promise keeper and so far has not disappointed anyone who voted for him based on what he promised to do as he has been checking those promises one promise fulfilled one at a time. He promised enforcing the laws on immigration and so far, it has been rubber meets the road and there will be no letting off or cooling down until his safe country objective is achieved. As a result, instead of perpetually looking over one's shoulders or remain in permanent state of fear of the inevitable which will impact one's psychological wellbeing as well as routine, a better option would be to plan to self deport, to voluntarily remove oneself and return to one's own original country before the now unchained and extended arms of the immigration officials nabs one. As things stands presently, it is no longer a question of if but when as an increased enforcement officials will translate to reaching persons previously considered too remote or too deep to reach. 

Previously it would have been much easier to successfully play the cat and mouse game and hope that mother luck remained on one's side until the officials tire out or move to some other more promising deportables; but not anymore and not since PDJT took over office as president. People rat on people and a time like this, the mad ex-girlfriend or wife or ex-boyfriend or husband might see it as a good opportunity to draw blood and cut his or her pound of flesh. Reports abound of even close family members such as a brother's wife or sister's husband ratting out an unbearable in-law or a friend who has become a pain in the behind to the Immigration officials. Sometime co-workers have turned in fellow workers who either made them mad or whose position they covet. Neighbors and landlords too, especially for difficult tenants or in high rent neighborhoods who want to recover a tenement and rent same to a higher rent paying tenant. Business partners or employers might also turn someone in just to appropriate the entire business or not pay what is owed. In construction industry, such a sword of Damocles might be foist by an unscrupulous supervisor or owner to keep undocumented migrants obedient and use them without ceasing. 

So, instead of such high risk exposure of being eventually nabbed and deported someday, and under circumstances one has no control, logic would dictate that any rational minded possible deportee should commence the process of removing self from the country before the law catches up with him or her. This way, money in the bank could be repatriated back to the new country; properties owned could be monetized through a moving auction and if there are things one would need in the new country, purchase same and ship them and simply tidy up his or her affairs in order to have some resources with which to cushion the new realities of the new country. As always things done in ordered fashion is always to be preferred than being rushed out of the country without time to say goodbyes or even withdraw money in the bank. That way, one at least cuts down on his loses and go back to his country with some dignity and something to live on before reestablishing withered roots once again. As always, fresh petition for reentry could be started anew and if fortunate, may possibly be approved at a later date. The fact that one self removed self might also count as a bonus point in future petition for re-admittance. 

As it stands now, it will be appear that every illegal aliens in the United States of America has been put on notice of impending deportation. Like Iran, hey have been served and waiting being picked up and shipped off. It will be much more difficult now to remain in the United States illegally as there will no longer be exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement. The Department of Homeland Security personnel also has now been given full authority to arrest or apprehend any alien whom an immigration officer has probable cause to believe is in violation of the immigration laws. Further, it also expands the priority list for deportation, including for crimes related to illegal immigration such as the use of forged documents, people charged but not convicted of a crime etc. Icheoku says any mistaken belief by anyone that one will always be lucky not to be caught is rather foolhardy and at best playing with one's stability that could arise from being suddenly caught and removed without the opportunity to first tidy up one's affairs as well as say their goodbyes. But hey, election has consequences and PDJT campaigned on making America safe again and therefore the current removal of ungrateful criminal aliens is in order and should be encouraged rather than chastised. 

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