Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Icheoku says trust, once lost, is hardly ever regained because once anyone's veracity for telling the truth is compromised, it Is often extremely difficult to ever trust that person again or take whatever he or she subsequently says without a grain of salt. This is exactly why the National Security Adviser of President Donald John Trump had to go,  relieved of his duties and asked to resign in order to save face. He misled the president by not truthfully telling everything about a telephone call he had with the Russian ambassador; which led Vice President Mike Pence to also misspeak on the issue, thus damaging the presidency's truthfulness to the American people. 

So having breached this foundational bedrock of every relationship, the ultimate test of loyalty, the president was left with only one option, to let Flynn go. Left with the president, whose loyalty to his friends is legendary, the general would have been left in his office, but the need for maintaining institutional truth telling forced the president's hand and he acted accordingly. It is not a rocket science and it does not require burning the midnight oil to understand why General Michael Flynn was fired or rather asked to turn in his security clearance and cease being the National Security Adviser to the president. He crossed that line and can no longer be trusted to tell the truth and in his special relationship with the presidency, his words should be his bonds and he flunked that test. 

What the truth or lie was about is irrelevant because if someone lied in a little matter, the propensity to lie in a major matter is highly probable. Therefore it is imperative to understand why Flynn was let go - it was not because he had a phone call with the Russian ambassador; nope, it was because he did not fully disclose the issues that came up during the telephone call including the Russian sanctions.  He was asked severally and he denied sanctions did not come up only to later claim his recollections were foggy before finally coming clean with an admission that it possibly did come up. By this time it was already too late as a politically charged atmosphere had called for his resignation and it got to fever pitch that the president had no other option but to relieve him of his duties. 

Icheoku says the attempt to misled is not something that should be tolerated because there is no way such a very important issue would not have stood out in his mind while responding to the inquiry. He knew but he choose to keep it secret and this intention supplied the animus of a deliberate effort to lie and conceal a fact of consequence. Therefore General Flynn was rightfully fired or rather forced to resign. ICHEOKU says will so do exactly the same if the president; and the same measure applies to a disloyal spouse, friends and/or family members. If they did it once, they could and will most likely do it again, the right circumstance permitting. Icheoku says it was a good decision by the president to let General Flynn go. It is also to send a message to other underlings that such behavior will not be tolerated by the president or in the presidency and will make everyone to sit up and do their job without any mischievous thoughts. Icheoku says General Michael Flynn is a good man and a great patriot who should be considered for other positions including an ambassadorial posting to possibly Russia and let him go to Russia with love.

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