Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Icheoku says that the Hollywood elites who bankrolled Hillary Clinton's failed second bid for the White House have not recovered from the shellacking she received on November 8, 2016 once again manifested at the just held Golden Globe Awards 2016. This time the arrowhead was none other that the Devil who wears Prada herself, Mary Louise Streep aka Merly Streep. Still sore and mourning the botched feminist hostile takeover of the White House, the old lady went off on a tirade. She completely lost it and throwing every decorum and decency out the window, pilloried Donald Trump and denigrated millions of world wide Mixed Martial Arts enthusiasts. 

In the usual Hollywood 'am better than anyone else' character, Merly Streep, condemned Mixed Martial Arts as a no Art; holding up only those of them who actually do nothing other than lip through scripts and put up a make-brief facade on screens, as the only purveyors and professionals of the Art. In her very own words, Merly Streep said “Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, if we kick them all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and Mixed Martial Arts – which are not the arts.” Icheoku says really and who made Merly Streep the sole authority on what constitutes Art and what does not. A tirade she began with taking a jab at President-Elect Donald John Trump, re-litigating an election which was since November 8, 2016 won by Trump and lost by her candidate Hillary Clinton; and rehashing a story of a supposed mocking of a disabled journalist which story has been since debunked. But she played it along and in her natural course of professional endeavor, injected acting into the story telling, inflecting her voices to reflect whatever pretentious pain she felt about it. 

This was a story that was severally and repeatedly presented to the American people during the campaign, which they evaluated and came to the conclusion that the country have to move on. Yet Merly Streep had nothing better to say in thanks and appreciation for the award she received but devoted her time slot disparaging President-Elect Donald John Trump and millions of Mixed Martial Arts loving world-wide audience. That she called into question the judgment and moral uprightness of the over 65 million Americans who voted for President-Elect Donald John Trump by regurgitating this tale of lack of compassion by the president-elect several months after the election tells a lot about her character. That she dismissed a sport engaged in by thousands of people worldwide and   millions of their fans and followers as no Art, says a lot too about her very condescending attitude. Why make so many millions of people mad and in so cavalier a manner that is beyond words or description. Is Merly Streep telling the world that she has is better than everyone else who voted for Trump or who is a lover or Mixed Martial Arts; or that she has never erred or ever did something below par and in other words, that she is infallible? 

This is exactly what is wrong with some of these elites who condescendingly look down on the rest of the people and think that they are very special simply because they can read and act scripted make-believe stories. Icheoku concedes that Merely Streep is a good actress and confesses too to having watched some of her movies including 'The Devil Wears Prada'; but does her acting ability make her wholesome in every aspect and facet of human life. If only Icheoku knows where to find her gardeners, cleaners, janitors, chauffeurs and other sundry staff of hers to find out from them how saintly in fact she is when they are left alone in the privacy of her fiefdom and utterly to her mercy. But no one actually needs to speak with any of her servants and attendants to know how mean spirited she really is after watching her broad condemnation of Mixed Martial Arts as no Art at all. Icheoku says what an uppity lady of entitlement, who would broad-brush Football and MMA as no arts. How dare she disparage millions of world citizens who participate in this two sports; yet this is the woman who some people listen to as an authority in morality. 

Icheoku is not beguiled by the emotive sentiment Merely Streep tried to whip up with the theater she put up. Every right thinking person knows the real source of the hurt inside her, that her candidate and the prospective first female president did not make it to the White House and peradventure with her advanced age, she might not ever witness the day when an electable female will eventually make it to the White House. Hurting for a lost cause or a departed dear one is an acceptable form of grieving; but Icheoku refuses to accept the subterfuge of holding advocacy for the disabled and illegals which she passed it off as reason for her unprovoked tirade. Nope, all the theatrics she put up on the podium will not be enough to hoodwink the vigilant as it is in their character to feel and see themselves as being all that matters and most important. These people did not have their way with winning the presidency, hence there will be no peace in America because against all odds, a candidate who no one gave the slightest chance of winning won and now the heavens have to be brought down on top of everyone's head. 

Icheoku says please let somebody tell Merly Streep that Americans and the world saw through her charade and that she did not sway any opinion nor got any sympathy from anyone other than the limited coolaid drinkers who were rejected alongside their Hillary Clinton on November 8, 2016. Icheoku did not buy into her rehearsed rendition and neither did millions of thinking Americans as well as the world audience who actually know the underlying reason which prompted her outburst. She was not truthful and she over-dramatized it and as a result lost more respect in the process. She is bitter; she is angry and she is heavily weighted down by the outcome of an election which did not go her way as she and her fellow Hollywood heavies had planned and arrogantly believed. Now what else could be more fiery than a psychologically traumatized old lady, grieving a lost opportunity which will never come again during her lifetime. What an aging old woman who just invited the disrespect of 33 million irredeemable deplorables and 30 million other Trump voters, whose judgment she called into question. She also will have to contend with the wrath and rage of millions of others who consider football and Mixed Martial Arts a germane Art. 

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