Friday, January 27, 2017


Icheoku says and the liberal media is cutting him slacks, a child of just 11 tears using profanity on national television and it is somewhat acceptable and he was waved a pass? Were he a black or any other minority kid, would the treatment and pampered gloves have been the same? Here he was on national television, setting fire to a dumpster and when he was confronted volunteered that he did it to say "Screw our president." 

Then you wonder how an eleven year old strayed so far away from his parents and how he got the lighter to set the fire and then conveniently there was a camera crew interviewing him and of course the bomb "Screw our president." Meanwhile neither of his parents were held out on account of the faux passe; rather a friendly liberal media is praising him for being bold and unafraid. That he said what he said on national television is not a problem or rather is an understandable problem. Then compare it to the media bashing and trashing, any black or other minority kid would have received for being wayward and for his parents not raising him well steeped in acceptable etiquette, decorum and manners. But hey, it is America and some people perpetually ride the white privileged train of can do no wrong. Connor Carey is a son of Nicole Jaracz, former girlfriend of comedian Drew Carey, whose step son he is too.

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