Thursday, January 5, 2017


Icheoku says nothing explains what they did as there is nothing there to try to explain other than that these four animals are wild beasts who do not belong in any civilized society. Short of walking on their fours, they are not better than those wild beasts of Serengeti National Wildlife because what they did to their fellow human being is simply put, despicable and inexplicable. Possibly too, these four animals did not even vote themselves and assuming they did, is America not a free democracy where people freely vote for who they prefer? 

So what if their victim voted for Donald Trump, did they not vote for Hillary Clinton and is anyone holding them hostage for voting for Hillary Clinton; or are they badder and meaner that the nearly 64 million Trump voters, half of which are those of us irredeemable deplorables. Icheoku watched the Facebook Live video and was particularly peeved as the young girl was smoking her weed and making her commentaries, so stupefied to understand the magnitude of her live broadcast and the gravity of the criminal conduct in which she was engaged in and laughingly broadcasting. Icheoku does not know whether she thought it was joke or something funny as she held her smart phone and was puffing her weed smoke, while her compatriots in crime were cutting off hair and scalp from the frightened victim; smacking him and threatening to do him bodily harm.  If anything ever qualifies as dumb criminals, this four thugs definitely are; televising their crime as they committed it. It is indeed pitiful that as young as they are they committed a heinous crime and will be starting their long sojourn in the prison system, so youthful. it reminded anyone who saw the Live Feed what the Deep South used to be back in the fifties with lynchings of black people; but not anymore and no reverse Jim Crow activities will be tolerated, not in this 2017.

Icheoku calls on the Illinois Justice System in Chicago to throw the full weight of the law at these domestic terrorists and send them away for a very very long time. Luckily their victim did not die and there is no death penalty for their offense, otherwise, the lethal injection might have been the most appropriate way to permanently remove these urchins from the society wherein they definitely do not belong. Icheoku says Jordan Hill 18 years old, Tesfaye Cooper 18 years old, Brittany Covington 18 yeas old and Tanisha Covington 24 years old, are all nothing short of four animals walking upright and wearing human faces. Imagine what they did to the victim - they tied him up for upwards of five hours, gagged him and beat him up. They also cut his scalp and forced him to drink toilet water. Definitely they crossed the lines of civilized behavior and deserves to be sent a strong message that such inhuman treatment of another does not belong in a civilized society. It reminds Icheoku of what Amadou Diallo similarly once went through in the hands of New York police detectives. Quite shameful indeed the deterioration of relationship between races in America as these four are but a manifestation of a society whose racial differences is gradually widening . Pitiful indeed.

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