Sunday, December 4, 2016


Icheoku says the reason sureties and guarantors are required in certain circumstances is to have somebody to hold responsible for a primary person's actions and/or misdeeds. Bola Tinubu stood in as guarantor and surety of Muhammadu Buhari before Nigerians agreed to elect him president; and now that Nigerians are being shafted and getting what they did not bargain for, the natural cause of action should be for them to seek out the person upon whose vouching, they elected President Muhammadu Buhari and find out exactly what is going on? That Nigerians have tunnel-visioned their focus only on President Muhammadu Buhari and seem to have forgotten Bola Tinubu or to have unwittingly given him a pass is the problem here. Bola Tinubu is as guilty and responsible, if not more, for all the hardships Nigerians are going through right now and should be summarily held accountable too. Therefore the current aggression directed at only President Muhammadu Buhari is not far-reaching enough, because Buhari alone did not bring about the Buhari nightmare. Buhari did not put himself in Aso Rock, Nigerians did; and Nigerians did because somebody made them to. That somebody is Bola Tinubu. 

Three times did Buhari run for president and the three times did Nigerians overwhelmingly reject his candidacy respectively. Then on the fourth occasion, the snake turned to a gullible and hate-filled Bola Tinubu and convinced him to sell him to Nigerian electorates, who bought into Bola Tinubu's judgment that Muhammadu Buhari was a changed or rather repented democrat and voted accordingly. The result of this decision is a country that is now desolate, with hunger and starvation ravaging the land and stagnation is the new order of things. That the person, who conned Nigerians into accepting the person they had previously rejected on three occasions and for good reason, is not being harpooned for driving them into the current quagmire is rather surprising. This guy, Bola Tinubu, is the rightful person to whom all these anger in the land should be directed to; and not necessarily the fall guy who is in mere occupation of Aso Rock and who is at the tip of the spear of the current anger in the land. Nigerians knew Muhammadu Buhari very well as a despot without a heart and would have again rejected him in 2015 if not for Bola Tinubu, who successfully convinced them that Muhammadu Buhari is a changed person - a converted democrat and a safe choice for president. 

Why Nigerians are not attacking Bola Tinubu or taking their frustrations out on him, knowing fully well that but for Bola Tinubu, there would never have been a President Muhammadu Buhari to drag everything into the cold doldrums, is mind boggling. Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu showed up in 2014 to assure Nigerians that they are safe with a Muhammadu Buhari's presidency and that they should have no fear electing him president. Nigerians listened to Tinubu and now the result. It did not occur to those Nigerians who shouted change and held broom sticks high that a leopard hardly changes its spots and that an old dog cannot be taught new tricks. A known quantum despot with glaring record of despotism, suddenly became beatified a democratically elected president just because Bola Tinubu advised so? Unbeknownst to these gullible Nigerians who elected Muhammadu Buhari president, Bola Tinubu himself did not even believe that Buhari was a changed man, but his hatred for Jonathan Goodluck with whom he had some disagreements with, propelled his incensed desire to get him out of Aso Rock. President Jonathan buckled under intense pressure and now Nigerians are reaping the whirlwind which they voluntarily sowed by electing a draconian sadist, president. 

The good thing about time is that it has a very indeterminate way of playing cruel irony on  human beings. Bola Tinubu was intoxicated and possessed with a "Jonathan must go change agenda" and traversed the length and breath of Nigeria to spread his gospel of change. Bola Tinubu put it all to make sure that his hand man Muhammadu Buhari won the election; Buhari defeated Jonathan and is now the president of Nigeria. That it turned out Bola Tinubu swindled Nigerians with his parade of Buhari as the now messiah Nigeria needed, is a fact of consequence. Bola Tinubu knew all along that Muhammadu Buhari is very obtuse and more adamant than a donkey and that it will be difficult to keep him conformed; but his thinking that he will be able to keep him on a leech beclouded his honest assessment of the man Buhari. Unfortunately too for Bola Tinubu, he forgot the time honored saying that it takes only a gentle man to keep his promises and honor his word; and that a military man and a former coup plotter does not qualify as such a respectable person whose words is his bond. The ever cunning Fulani fox, having secured and consolidated his hold unto power, decided to push away the ladder with which he ascended Aso Rock and as far away as possible, hence Bola Tinubu became marked for demolition. 

First he rejected Tinubu's nominations for cabinet positions and kept his vice presidential nominee and vice president Bayo Osinbajo out of the inner circle of power in Aso Rock. He also made sure that all Tinubu's candidate for National Assembly officials were all roundly rejected and had to make peace with Saraki to further isolate and keep Tinubu out. As if that was not enough, he took sides with APC chairman John Odigie Oyegun and together they have ran rings around Tinubu to completely emasculate him and render him inconsequential.  To this effect, they rejected Tinubu's candidate for Edo State governorship and won the governorship with their own preferred candidate. Again, they dealt similar cards  on Tinubu in Ondo State and once again, they won the state with their own choice candidate and without his help; thus further demystifying Bola Tinubu as not the fabled political godfather of the Southwest. This is 'Politicking 101' and it is all about power and control of the political structures in the Southwest of Nigeria and so far, Bola Tinubu is losing the fight. Fortunately too, Bola TInubu will not be the first politician to have ever been used to get to power and later discarded. It comes with the territory and politicians are not men of honor and no honor should be expected from the current players in Nigeria, particularly in the APC. 

Query, does Bola Tinubu's current tribulations elicit Icheoku's sympathy? Hell NO; as Icheoku would rather his traducers tighten their vice more and more until he has no more juice to give up. Does Bola Tinubu deserve what is coming his way? Icheoku says HELL YES, because that is exactly what it will take to teach him a lesson that a weak benevolent democrat is better than a 'repented despot' or rather democrat as he would rather call himself. Icheoku was particularly miffed at Bola Tinubu when he ran around during the last election, campaigning for Muhammadu Buhari for president; despite his storied history of brutal dictatorship. That subsequent military men who ruled Nigeria after Buhari's first coming did not show mercy but ran amok in the land was also a consequential fact; but Tinubu was blinded by his sheer hatred for the man from Otuoke and his desire to bring him down and replace him with an avowed military man; and now here we are Nigerians. Bola Tinubu therefore owes Nigerians certain explanations for why the man he vouched for, who he said would lead Nigerians to the promise land, is just a few miles away from leading them to the gates of hell. Bola Tinubu has a lot of explaining to do because he is the reason why Buhari is Nigeria's president today and cannot be seen or heard pleading not his act. 

Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu is the only person responsible for the current Buhari-nightmarish situation in Nigeria. The Buhari-nomics stifling economic condition was midwifed by Bola TInubu; the Buhari-lost in the woods of Nigerians was Bola Tinubu's making too and therefore he should accordingly be held accountable for all of them. But for Bola Tinubu, there would never have been a Buhari's presidency. The only prayer now is that John Odigie Oyegun and President Muhammadu Buhari continue to squeeze Bola Tinubu and possibly take away his Lagos State from him too. Nigerians should pray that Bola Tinubu be made to feel the full weight of the government including the EFCC looking into some of his businesses; and then, remind themselves who made Buhari president. What a smack on the mouth of Bola Tinubu it would be, to someday, see him in handcuffs with a litany of corruption charges leveled against him. But will he learn his lesson? In conclusion, Icheoku shares in the sentiment of Lagos State APC Chairman Henry Ajomole that Asiwaju has been left out and marginalized; that he has been somehow taken out of the caucus of the party and its leadership. Icheoku agrees that nothing can be closest to the truth in the matter of Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu's current tribulations than this assessment, which shows that either he is been cut down to size or at least greatly diminished to the point of do no harm. 

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