Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Icheoku says impetuous blind loyalty to the female gender and unabashed ultra sexism is the only thing seriously driving the current get Hillary Clinton elected dizzying effort. This gender war has forced every other thing reasonable out the window and to the back; it seems now that the end justifies the means is their newly adopted mantra. It does not matter to these possessed feminists of America and their minions anymore that Hillary Clinton has questionable character and very pitiful morality. It is also very disappointing that not even her criminal misbehavior including being under investigation is enough to deter this fervent support.  

These fanatical supporters do not want to hear of her many sins of corruption and crookedness either; and some of them have also gone on record to say that what she did might even be a driving force behind her election as that would ginger them up to troop out to vote for her but not the other way round. Suddenly, these Americans no longer mind whether their presidential candidate is a thief or a rogue or a compound criminal. All that they care for is that a female is running for president and that they want to see a woman president in the White House. Trying to win an argument of reason against these brand of feisty feminists is of no use because as far as they are concerned this is an opportunity that they cannot allow to go to waste. Icheoku appreciates their excitement over such a novelty, but says of all the millions of well qualified and over achieving women of America, why is it such a heavily flawed and irreparably damaged candidate that American women could settle for? 

That such an endemically corrupt and crooked woman is being presented to America as the woman candidate for American presidency leaves much to be desired. It certainly leaves a very sour taste in the mouth, that the worse of the worst is what American women are presenting as their choice first female presidential candidate. Icheoku says many American males would have bought into the idea of a female president but not this very particular candidate; there is nothing exciting about her and paraphrasing Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton is not the one, America. Her character, morals and lengthy record of crookedness does not excite any passion in many Americans who faced with her choice, would rather pass and will have nothing to do with her, irrespective of her gender novelty. Icheoku says what an opportunity lost as Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton is the most despised American woman walking the earth in America and therefor unacceptable and will neither be voted for nor elected president of the United States of America. 

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