Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Icheoku says the Queen of Talk Show lost so many admirers this time when she looked American people in the eyes and told them to marry a spouse who they don't like, cannot stand nor tolerate. That American people are still recovering from "THE ONE' who she recommended for them to vote for in 2008 is a fact, all the disappointments of the last seven years plus considered. Many people who trusted Oprah then and acted on her persuasion, are now beginning to question her judgment. Many are wondering too whether Oprah has been infected by  Hillary Clinton's bad judgment virus and would likely pass this time her latest endorsement no endorsement of the Nasty One Hillary Clinton. Icheoku says anyone who marries a person who is repulsive and makes the person want to peuk did not marry a spouse one can be with and should therefore never have married that person. American people are yet to make that choice and luckily enough they have ample time to back out from Nastiness and Crookedness and sure, they will back out come November 8. How can any sane person vote or advise another to vote for someone he or she does not like; and how would the person stomach the sight of such a person on television for the next four years? 

According to Oprah's illogical logic, Crooked Hillary Clinton is not coming over to our house and we don't have to like her to vote for her, we should just vote for her. In her own words, she said: "Hillary Clinton is not coming over to your house, you don't have to like her, Do you like this country? You better get out there an vote. Do you like freedom and liberty? Do you like democracy or demagogue? Ok, there you go." In response, Icheoku says the White House is American people's house, so any elected president automatically have entered or rather trusted him or herself into our house by entering the White House. The president will constantly be on television and will be reaching into our houses and homes even without any other of our invitation. Therefore what exactly does Oprah Winfrey mean when she said that Ms Nasty Hillary Clinton will not be coming over to our house when she is already occupying it, assuming the unfortunate event of her election becomes a reality. Why should we elect someone who is not a sight for our sore eyes and how does Oprah expect us to get relief from looking at her on television as our elected president? 

Icheoku says hell yes we like our country, the reason we are taking it back from all those globalist including Crooked Hillary Clinton who wants to throw open the boarders and destroy every vestiges of America. Of course yes, we like freedom and liberty, the reason why we are voting Trump to defend our freedom and liberty from those globalists who are sponsoring Hillary Clinton, a woman who wants to trample on American peoples 2nd Amendment right as well as curtail their 1st Amendment right too. Of course yes, we like democracy, the reason we are voting to protest the shafting of Bernie Sanders, who Hillary Clinton's operatives helped rig out during the Democratic Party primaries. Icheoku says Oprah Winfrey was definitely not firing on all her cylinders when she made the statement because they do not add up. Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton is the exact antithesis of everything Oprah preached and advocated as reason for voting in this election. America's freedom is on the ballot; America's democracy is on the ballot; America's liberty in on the ballot; America's homeland being invaded by illegal immigrants and which is under threat of globalists imminent hostile takeover, is on the ballot. American people know where Crooked Hilary Clinton stands on all these issues and thanks to WikiLeaks, her anti-America disposition is now an open secret. Hillary Clinton is the reason we are voting in this election, to stop her madness and greed.

Icheoku says to Oprah Winfrey that love and admiration is 99.9% of the reason why people vote for a particular candidate. This is the reason American presidents have always come from the highly photogenic tall class of individuals and this 2016 will not be an exception, especially not with an old grandma who barely scaled through the five feet tall marker. Icheoku says why should this year be any different from past decades of American people voting only those candidates they would like to go on a date with; from Gerald Ford to Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan to Bush Sr to Bill Clinton to Bush Jr to Barack Obama? Why would American people's taste suddenly go limp and now settle for less with a crabby old grandma, who standing with other world leaders would be dwarfed by them, including by Tsar Vladimir Putin of Russia. Icheoku says American people will have none of her and hereby say to Oprah Winfrey, no but thanks, no. Crooked Hillary Clinton is not American people's choice and they will not change their mind simply because Oprah Winfrey said so. No one ever goes to a prom or any other date with his or her least favorite person; talk-less of voting for a wild eyed feminist who is the most detested female in the United States of America. Icheoku says to Oprah Winfrey there is no way in hell American people will vote for Ms Nasty Crooked Hillary Clinton despite the fact that they don't like her. American people usually love their presidents and they cannot change now and vote for someone who they don't like. Salute.

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