Thursday, October 20, 2016


Icheoku says the last debate of the 2016 presidential election has now gone down in history and for the archives. Both candidates held their own and neither made any fatal error nor scored a decisive victory. The result, American people will have the final say when on November 8, they will troop out to vote to elect the candidate who they prefer to be their next president. So between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, it is now game on into the final lap ending on November 8, 2016.

Icheoku has said it before and will say it again that on November 8, American people will vote to reject the statusquo and more of the same. They will vote to elect Donald John Trump as the 45th president of the United States of America. Donald Trump is the leader of team Make America Great Again; his message is resonating resoundingly with American people and they are all agreed that it is not a bad idea at all to make America great again. Icheoku says only a juggernaut like Donald Trump could take on the entire American entrenched interest as well as the machine on both sides of the aisle and still standing firm, no shaking. He is a proven fighter and champion of America and he will be elected to be the cheerleader in chief of the United States of America. Icheoku says that a fire fighter has a foul mouth does not make him any less a fire fighter; and when there is fire, we all agree that the best firefighter, regardless of his or her foul mouth, should be there leading the charge. Icheoku says Go Trump; Vote Trump and help the Donald Make America Great Again. On November 8, vote Donald John Trump and retire the Clintons for good. 

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