Thursday, September 15, 2016


Icheoku says what an irony of no mean magnitude that a candidate who goes about publicly preaching "Stronger Together", would simultaneously in her private moments with big donors and people drunk on the Clinton coolaid, be this divisive and derisive. Crooked Hillary Clinton divided Americans into three - those supporting her candidacy, those supporting her opponent whose grievances are genuine and then those others still supporting her opponents who are irredeemable deplorables. 

According to her, this category of Donald Trump's supporters belong into a basket of deplorables. Icheoku says for a candidate who went into a tizzy because illegal aliens were called out as well as the need to control our borders emphasized, to now call out fellow Americans as illegitimate losers is indeed very mind numbing.  Then ask yourself in the event an accident of her presidency happens, where she plans to ship off these no do gooders of America who are currently wasting away in a basket of deplorables? Hillary Clinton, always putting her for in her mouth. What a deplorable human specimen who thinks that millions of hardworking Americans are a piece of excrement. 

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