Monday, September 5, 2016


Icheoku says it was as unprovoked as it was undiplomatic and defies every diplomatic niceties, especially coming from a supposedly friendly nation. For anyone, especially a president of another country to allude or categorically state or infer that a sitting president of another country is a son of a prostitute is to say the least very uncomplimentary, rash and insulting. A matter made worse, because it was coming from the president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte, a supposedly friendly country and an ally, against President Barack Obama of the United States of America. That the two countries have a relatively cordial relationship is arguable; hence no rhythm or reason for this unprovoked insult and diatribe against both the president and his mother. 

Icheoku says were it some other country which does not have a comparable relationship with America, such as Iran or North Korea, that their president used such unflattering words against the president, may be people could read some continuing pattern of same acerbity to the current insult. But for the Philippines' president, a country for which America has done so much and still continuing; and for whose protection, America is also currently embroiled in a face-off with China over the South China seas, to mouth off so insultingly, is unacceptable. Icheoku says President Rodrigo Duterte needs to apologize and apologize speedily for his remarks; because such uncouth remark is capable of damaging existing cordial relationship between the Philippines and the United States of America. 

By saying what he said, President Rodrigo Duterte cast unfathomable aspersion and ridicule on the person of President Barack Obama, the president's mother as well as the entire United States of American people. By calling the president's mother a common prostitute, an allegation which is both factually and legally incorrect and which cannot be in any other manner substantiated; President Duterte defamed the president mightily. It is of such magnitude that were it between two persons who are subject to the local jurisdiction of courts, it could have triggered an action in defamation. Possibly with a hefty punitive damage for damaging the personal reputation of the president, his mother as well as the American people, who according to President Duterte elected a bastard as president? 

That the president's mother was legally and lawfully married to the president's father and was not a prostitute but a wife, when the couple had the president is an incontrovertible fact known to Duterte but which he chose to ignore. Admitted  President Barack Obama did the right thing by not meeting as earlier planned on the sidelines with the Philippines president in Laos; but additional action is needed to send a clear message that insulting an American president will not be tolerated by Americans. Such should be considered as an insult to the entire country and the people whose president he is and who elected him twice as president after serious dueling verified his legitimate birth. 

What a week it has been for a president who is on the last lap of his  presidency starting with China which humiliated the president by denying his a red carpet reception upon his arrival for the G20 summit; then their was the evil faced showdown or stare-down with Russian President Vladimir Putin culminating in Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte calling the president a son of a whore. 

Icheoku says it was not just the president that President Duterte insulted; the president's mother's decency and reputation was also disparaged by calling her morality and virtue into question. This is very offensive and President Duterte ought to pay a hefty price for such mean spirited personal attack, especially one not provoked or warranted. Although Icheoku is no longer a personal fan of the president because of the manner he forsook blacks and Africans in general; as well as his refusal to sell Nigeria weapons with which to fight Boko Haram Islamist terrorists, but truth be told, he is still the president and deserving of respect, especially by a supposed ally. 

If Philippines and their irascible president Rodrigo Duterte is not made to pay a price, it will only embolden others to similarly rebel against America. Already Turkey has told America to hell with you over the call for them to pull back from attacking Kurds in Northern Syria and has continued with their incursion therein. Iran the other day told America that they are no longer afraid of going to war with America. Vladimir Putin is also huffing and puffing. North Korea is there waging its finger, then add China which openly snubbed America by denying the president a ceremonial red carpet reception, in addition to Philippines president uncouth remark. So query, has the world finally had it with America and now ganged up to call America's bluff? 

Icheoku does not know about you but a time like this calls for a hard nosed charging president in the White House who will be either respected or feared again. President Barack Obama failed in this department as he neither elicit either. Donald Trump will be that type of president America needs at this trying testy times. America can use his bold and brash persona, faced with all these conspiracies gone wild which is starring America down. President Barack Obama scored below average with his international diplomacy and relationship. It has never been this low, America's rating and standing in the world; and such demeaning look down attitude against America by the world will only get worse if the accident of a Crooked Hillary Clinton's presidency happens. America do the needful and regain respectability, Vote for Donald John Trump. 

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